Chapter Eighty-One - The Purchase

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Hello loves! Quick psa, I just posted a bts fic called unexpected houseguests on archive of our own. I'm under the same name on there as I am here, and I'd really appreciate if you could give it a read, and give me some feedback on it! thank you!


You drove to the park, leaving the car parked along the sidewalk. The kids ran ahead of you to the park, racing each other to see who got there first. You laughed to yourself, stroking the kitten's ears and sitting down on a bench. You'd grabbed a carton of milk from the cafe before you left and you cracked it open, using the lid to one of Jinyoung's bottles to pour milk inside. You'd taken Jackson's backpack from Yugyeom, but apparently the baby's possessions were everywhere.

You let the kitten drink from the cap, cooing when he laid down on your lap. Joy was currently swinging beside Jungkook while Jackson dug in the sand in front of the swing set. Jackson made a sandcastle, carefully patting the sand down into little towers.

Joy leapt off of the swing, landing firmly on her feet in the sand only a few feet from the sandcastle. You saw it coming but couldn't stop it, watched as Jungkook did the same and landed right in the middle of the sandcastle. Jackson froze, staring at the ruined remains of his art before wailing, head thrown back as he cried. Jungkook's frantic, 'I'm sorry!'s were ignored as the puppy got up, sniffling and running towards you.

You shushed him, opening your arm and letting him tuck himself into your side. Jungkook followed, ears behind his head and hands clasped behind his back, eyes wide with worry.

"Y/N... I didn't mean to ruin his castle, I promise. I'm sorry." He looked down at the ground and you reached out, tugging him onto the bench on your other side.

"It's okay Jungkook. I know you didn't mean to. Why don't you apologize to Jackson though. I'm sure he won't be too upset, it was an accident."

Jungkook got onto his knees on the bench, leaning over to tap the pitbull hybrid's shoulder. Jackson peered out at the bunny boy, ears slightly perked on his head.


A grunt from the boy was all he received.

" 'M sorry. I didn't mean to. Please don't be mad."

Jackson nodded, uncurling from your side and offering Jungkook a watery smile. 

" 'S okay. I know you didn't mean to. Will you help me make a new one?"

Jungkook nodded, flashing Jackson his bunny grin and taking his hand as they raced off back to the sand. Joy came over to you, crawling onto the bench beside you and petting her new kitty. 

"What do you think you're gonna name him?" The girl's ears perked up as she thought.

"I dunno. I've never had to name a kitten before."

You laughed at the little girl, letting her pick up the cat when he was finished with his drink. She curled up on the bench beside you, nudging her head into your hand. You complied, petting the girl and watching as the boys played together in the sand.


Taehyung bit his lip, walking slowly among the aisles of rings in the jewelers. Each one was beautiful in it's own way, but none of them screamed out to him, none of them looked right for you. He had his ears tucked into  a beanie that Namjoon had offered him, tail in his pants so that he was allowed in the store. He passed through aisles and aisles of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, any gemstone on the planet before a row of sparkling purple gems came into sight. He admired the stones, eyes locking on a ring with two hearts on it. One, lined with the pretty purple gemstone, interlocked with the other, lined with what appeared to be silver diamonds. 

He knew then and there that he wanted you to wear that for the rest of your life, and he called Namjoon over. 

"Namjoon, I... I think I found it."

"Which one?"

Taehyung pointed to the ring in question, smiling uncontrollably as he envisioned the jewelry on your finger. Namjoon smiled and nodded, motioning over an employee to unlock the storage case. The employee removed the ring, leading the two men over to a counter.

He turned to Taehyung, holding up the ring. 

"Alright, now what size were we looking for?"

Taehyung blinked, there were sizes?

Namjoon stepped in however, "An 8."

"How did you know?" Was Taehyung's stunned response.

Namjoon chuckled, "I checked her rings before we left. I figured that'd come in handy."

The employee gave a hearty laugh, lightly teasing the pair before ringing the jewelry up. 

"That'll be five thousand, three hundred, sixty-four dollars please."

Taehyung choked, though Namjoon seemed unfazed as he pulled out his card. Taehyung grabbed Namjoon's arm, turning around so that his back was to the employee.

"Namjoon, I'm so sorry! That's so expensive, I can.. I can find another one, a cheaper one."

"Don't be silly. I saw some over there being sold for twenty thousand dollars. Wedding rings aren't cheap, I knew that. I have enough money, and like I said before I want Y/N to be happy. This will definitely make her happy, this ring is perfect for her."

Taehyung still felt insanely guilty, though he was glad that he hadn't picked one of the more expensive rings. He thanked the elder, turning back around to the counter. Namjoon handed the man at the counter his card, declining any loans and deciding to pay it all right then and there. 

Ten minutes later, Taehyung left the store with a little black box clutched in his hands, fingers trembling slightly. He tucked the box into his pocket, a hand resting on it the entire way home.

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