February 2nd

160 5 35

I awaken at four in the morning to Brendon Urie climbing in my window, knocking over a few empty bottles and glasses on my shelf in the process. 

"What the hell?" I say, sitting up quickly. "I got bored and lonely!" He whines. I instantly shush him, seeing as I don't want to wake up my mom. 

"Why aren't you asleep like everyone else in the world?" He perches himself on the edge of my bed and chuckles.

"Surely not everyone. What about people in Australia? Or the UK? Time zones exist Dal pal." I throw a pillow at him and shake my head. 

"Shut up Brendon. Why are you here?" He sighs and hugs the pillow I threw at him closer, laying down in the spot next to me. 

"I already told you. I got bored and lonely. I need a bro to talk to." What have I gotten myself into? 

"Why me though? We just started hanging out yesterday." I cover myself with the duvet self consciously, not being prepared for someone seeing me shirtless. 

"Because you are the closest and I felt a good bro connection! Huh, bro." He sits up against the wall, looking around my messy room.

"Stop acting like a straight boy." He rolls his eyes at that. "What do you want to do then? There's not much to do at four am on a Sunday." "I don't know!" He leans his head against the wall.

"I'm gonna go back to sleep." I say, turning over. "Don't you dare leave me alone!" "You won't be alone. I'll still be here, just asleep." He whines and kicks me a little. He is literally a toddler.

"We can have a strictly platonic bro cuddling sesh." He says after some thought. "No thats weird." I turn over to face him, looking into his round dark eyes. 

"But my heart is broken! Please Dallon? I won't forget to say no homo." He raises an eyebrow, looking hopeful.

"Oh my god this will be one hundred percent homo!" I tell him, making the distress on his face intensify. 

"Dallon" He whines, dragging out the 'n'. "Oh my god fine. No homo." "Yes! No homo." 

He eagerly kicks off his boots and takes his shirt off, I try to ignore how insanely attractive he is, and he crawls under the covers with me.

"How would you like to go about this?" I ask, not knowing what to expect. 

"Just spoon me?" I nod and he turns, his bare back facing me, one of my arms going under his body and the other wrapping around his waist. I keep repeating 'strictly platonic' and 'don't get too attached' in my head as we both fall asleep. 

"Brendon.. Wake up. My arm is numb." I wake up once again at eleven, which is earlier than usual for me, and my arm is just pins and needles.

"No." He mumbles, voice thick with sleep. "Brendon." I try to move my arm but fail.

"I will literally scalp you if you don't get up, now please, just move a little bit." He sighs deeply and moves over so I can move my arm freely, I shake it to get the feeling back.

He turns his body so he is on his back and pulls his phone out from god knows where. 

"What are we going today, Daldo?" He asks, his voice still rough from sleep. "We?" He nods, rolling his eyes. "I'm not just gonna platonically cuddle with you then dip. This wasn't a one-night-stand. So what do you wanna do?" 

I shrug and try to think of something. I really just want to sit in here and watch The Bachelor alone, but alas. 

"We should go to Goodwill. I have never been there before." I say, making him gasp.

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