February 10th

102 5 12

"What the fuck am I going to do about Ryan? He is seriously going to kick my ass." Brendon is stressing out in the passenger seat as I drive him to school. "Sweetheart, you'll be fine." (i made such a disgusting noise after i typed that wtf)

He just leans back in his chair with a huff. "Why do I even have to go today?" He whines, making me roll my eyes for the twentieth time today. "Because eventually the school is going to call your mother or send a note, and I don't want to be responsible for that." He sighs again and looks out the window at all the people walking into the school. 

"Just text or call if Ryan does anything, okay?" "Kay." I kiss him on the cheek and he gets out, waving goodbye and disappearing in the crowd. 

I really hope that Ryan will just leave Brendon alone, or at least not even be at school, but that probably won't happen.  

When I get home I drop my keys on the coffee table and crash on my bed, falling asleep. I wake up a few hours later to a text from Brendon.

Forehead: Uhhh people are like, congratulating me on vandalizing ryans house?????

Forehead: Wtf

Forehead: I'm popular??

Legs: thats gr8 brenny

Legs: has ryan talked to you?

Forehead: Noo he isn't even here!  

Legs: s1ck

Forehead: ew

Forehead: I miss u tho

Legs: gay

Forehead: :(( r00d

Legs: u will see me in like two hours shut up lol

Forehead: O shit Ms. Jackson is yelling at me I gotta Zayn

Legs: too s o o n 

Legs: i h8 u

I smile at the messages and turn off my phone, getting out of bed and getting on my computer to look at tumblr. 

I spend a good hour looking at memes and pictures of Frank Iero before making a text post. 

"uhh  what should i do for valentines day??? i got this b0y that i really really like and we kiss and cuddle all the time so what should i do for him?? help? ?  ??"

I smile at the thought of the brown haired boy and hit post, waiting for people to reply. I have a weird amount of followers on tumblr, probably because I save my actual personality from the outside world and then express it all over social media. Everyone in real life is far too boring. Everything is so boring and I wish people could just wake up and get weird. 

At least thirty replies come in after a few minutes and I go to look at what people suggested. 

"omg write him a song!" "suck his dick owo" "vore him" "sing for him you have such an amazing voice!!1!!!" 

I ignore all the responses saying to just vore the shit out of him, and see a lot of people saying to write him a song. With a shrug I stand up from my desk and grab my notebook and ukulele and get started. 

♥^is it me or was that really bad

Just as I finish with the lyrics for my song to Brendon, my alarm goes off, telling me it's time to go pick him up from hell.

Brendon runs out to my car and jumps in, a huge smile on his face. "Hi Dally!" "Hey Bren, what's got you all smiley?" He laughs and his cheeks turn rosy, "I dunno. I'm just excited to see you I guess." I smile at him and poke him in the stomach, making him laugh.

"What did you do all day without me? Was it boring without my presence?" He asks as I speed out of the parking lot, "It was absolutely devastating." I tell him, hyperbolically, "I just slept and did some 'stuff'." He gives me a weird look after I say 'stuff'. 

"What kind of stuff?" "Oh just... Stuff." He groans in annoyance and leans onto my shoulder. 

"Dallon tell me" He whines, making me smirk. "You will find out soon! Be patient young grasshopper." The brunette scrunches up his nose, sitting up straight. "Ugh shut up, I'm starving." 

Brendon forces me to give him a piggyback ride into the house, he almost smacks his forehead on the doorframe but he claims it was 'worth it' and we go into the kitchen to make food. 

"So Dallon.. I've got a question..." 

"Yes..?" I raise my eyebrow at him as he sits on the kitchen counter, swinging his legs. "What are we? Are we besties? Boyfriends? Lesbians?" I snort-laugh at him and put a pot of water on the stove top, moving to stand between the shorter boys legs. 

"Whatever you want us to be." I whisper, our noses brushing. "Well, what do you want us to be? Because I like you a whole lot." I smile at him, looking at his beautiful features. "Lesbians?" 

He tells me to shut up before kissing me forcefully, his hand gripping the neck of my sweater. 

"Boyfriends?" I whisper, breathing heavily. "Boyfriends." 

♥800+ Words♥

the biggest of uwus

what song do u think dallon is writing brendon????

e e ee  e i love them

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