February 4th

101 7 18

i was listening to When The Day Met The Night and just burst into tears idk whats wrong with me

"I'm going to be alone, on Valentine's Day! How sad is that?" Brendon is lying on my bed, half of his body hanging off of it while I try to scam people on Animal Jam. I turn around in my swivel chair and look at the boy.

 "I've been alone on Valentine's Day for the past five years, quit your whining. It's a hallmark holiday anyways so who gives a shit." He just sighs dramatically, covering his face with one hand. "How? Haven't you been in like a million relationships?" I snort at that and shake my head. 

"Yeah, none of them ever happened to fall on Valentine's Day though. I've stopped caring about it, and you should too." "But-" "I'm pretty sure you will survive one Valentine's Day alone. Besides, you never know. You could find a date in time for that anyways." He gets up off the bed and sits on the stool next to me, looking at the computer screen.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He squints as he looks at the various animals, who are currently trying to break the ice. "I'm trying to scam children of their rares." I send another half-threatening message to the wolf with a spiked collar. "Aren't you a little old for this?" "Uh no."

What an imbecile. You are never too old for scamming ten year olds online! "Aren't you supposed to be at school?" He scoffs and looks away. "Shut up." I shake my head and continue what I am doing on the ancient computer. "Isn't your mom going to notice that you aren't there? Don't they email parents about that stuff?" 

He shakes his head slightly, his hair falling into his eyes. "I went on my moms phone and marked the schools emails as spam so she won't see them. It's fine." He puts an elbow on my desk and rests his head on his hand. He came over a few hours ago, at the ungodly hour of five o'clock in the morning. He said that he wasn't dealing with the educational bullshit so he crawled into my bed. 

I was too tired to care, since I had been up until four am watching vines and watching  compilations of Andrew Siwicki laughing.  

"What do you want to do today?" I ask him, turning off my computer. "I don't know. We can go play in the snow?" I think for a moment. Do I want  to be bored or cold? Do i want to hear Brendon whine about his heart being broken and how bored he is or do I want to see him get excited about the snow? Being cold it is. "Yeah let's go play in the snow."

He smiles a bright smile and hops off the stool, going to my closet to look for warmer clothes. 


We ended up making snow angels, which resulted in Brendon realizing how tall I am, so he asked me how the weather was up here. I threw him in a snowbank. He did not like that at all. 

"Dallon you are so mean to me! I don't know if I can put up with this abuse." He yells while rolling a ball of snow around. "Oh yes. I am so terribly rude, playing in the snow with you when I could be inside, not freezing my ass off." I get a snowball thrown at my face, which was not pleasant. 

"You bitch." I say, wiping the snow off my face. He rolls his eyes and continues rolling the snow. "Come help me build a snowman, Daddy Long Legs." I ignore the nickname and help him.

"Dallon, I've got a question for you." He says as we make the 'head' of the snowman. "Yes?" He has an evil smirk on his face. "Do you ever hit your head on the ceiling? Or on door frames?" 

I push him back into the snow. "Yes I do, now shut the fuck up, midget." He scoffs and stands up, brushing the snow off of his ass as I put the last piece onto the snowman. 

"I'm cold. Can we go inside?" I complain, bouncing up and down a little. He scrunches up his nose and looks around at the vacant neighborhood. "Yeah I guess so. Can we make hot chocolate and do warm things?" "What would you classify as a 'warm thing'?" We make our way inside and he unzips his coat. "You know, watch a movie in our pajamas and fall asleep or something. Warm things." 

I nod and he smiles, throwing all his 'snow gear' on the floor, I go into the kitchen to make hot chocolate. 

"Dallon! Do you have marshmallows?" Brendon bounces into the room, not wearing his shirt. "Yes, what happened to your shirt?" He laughs softly, walking to the pantry in search of marshmallows. 

"I don't know. You should take yours off though." "Why?" He turns around, the same goofy smile on his face. "So I don't get self conscious! I don't want to be the only one without a shirt!" I roll my eyes and obey, sliding my shirt off. 

I pour us two mugs of hot chocolate, he carefully places three marshmallows on top of them, and we go to the living room to watch movies. 

"This is so gay." He says quietly, blowing on his drink to cool it down. 

"The gayest." 

 ♥900+ Words♥

this was short

the next few parts might be a little shorter because i want to finish this quickly

hope ya'll like it though

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