February 3rd

103 6 14

i dont feel like editing this one so it might be worse than the other parts

For the rest of that night, I didn't hear from Brendon and I didn't text him. It was too awkward. I did hear him sobbing hysterically and listening to depressing music through his open window. I was just worried about his window being open, he is going to get sick like that.  

The poor thing. First heartbreaks are the worst ones. 

The second and third hurt less, you get used to that empty feeling. When you first realize that person can no longer fill the void in your heart, it hurts, but then it gets better. After a day or so of crying and burning pictures, it's like they never even mattered. Like you never even gave that special someone all your love. All your mental energy. It was all for nothing. 

I realized how boring it is without Brendon constantly whining and yelling today. I graduated early because A. I'm 'smart' and B. School sucks ass, so I had nothing to do all day while my new 'bff' is at school. 

I decided to take a nap to pass the time, but the devil himself decided to disturb my peace.  

 Brendon: Dallon help

Dallon: what have you done

Brendon: Ryan is hurting meeeee

Brendon: He already rebounded onto some guy named Jon

Dallon: and??

Dallon: what am i supposed to do about that

Brendon: Helppggwigneogn

Brendon: I wanna leaveeee

Dallon: how old r u

Brendon: 17 >:( 

Brendon: I can't check myself out of school so u should come pick me up because ur old

Dallon: but i just got comfortable

Dallon: i was gonna take a nap

Brendon: Who caressss my heart feel bad

Brendon: Please????

Dallon: oh my god

Dallon: you owe me. 

Brendon: Thank yougfgjdhzodfiozdfg

Dallon: whatever

After picking Brendon up from school, which probably wasn't even legal, he gets in my car and starts crying immediately. 

"Uh oh okay um why are you crying?" I turn to him and out a hand on his shoulder, attempting to make him feel better. 

"Ryan! He didn't even look like he missed me! He just kept making out with Jon and barely even glanced at me." He says through sobs. I rub his back and he cries more. 

"Hey it's okay. Forget about him, he's an asshole. You can do so much better than him anyways." He looks up at me, eyes shiny with tears and sniffles grossly. 

"You think so?" I smile at him "Yeah. You are so much hotter than Ryan and especially Jon." He blushes and wipes his tears before attacking me with a hug. 

"Thanks Dally." He mumbles into my chest. He pulls away from me and wipes his eyes once more. "How about we go eat our feelings, yeah?" He giggles and nods, putting on his seatbelt.

We get to a McDonalds and we order happy meals as a joke, then find a spot in the vacant play area. 

"Dallon, do you realize that we barely even know each other?" He opens his sauce packets carefully, lining them up on the tray. "Yeah. We just met like three days ago." (idk if it would be 2 or 3 days whip)

"Well we should ask each other questions! Get to know each other better." I snort and look up at him. "I feel like we got to know each other pretty well while we were having a platonic bro cuddling sesh." He laughs and shakes his head at me. 

"I mean like, favorite movie stuff. The stuff best friends would know about each other!" I nod and watch as he struggles to open the toy that came with his food. 

"Okay so... Are you a virgin?" I start laughing, some of my Dr. Pepper coming out of my nose in the process. "No. Are you?" He shakes his head. "God no. Me and Ryan fucked all the time, literally everywhere! Even one time he-" I cut him off, not wanting to know the rest of that story. "Okay I get it. Uhh what's your zodiac sign?"

"I'm an Aries." That explains why him and Ryan were together for so long. "That means we should be pretty compatible. I'm a Taurus." He makes a weird face and looks up at me.

"How do you know that?" I shrug. "I dunno. I'm kind of an astrology nerd." He laughs and continues eating. "Do you play any instruments?" He asks, mouth full of food. 

"Yeah a few. I also sing." I say nervously, hoping he's not one of those people that try and force me to sing to them as soon as they hear that I can. "Nice. I've heard you sing before, you are really good." 

"How?" "You leave your window open a lot. It's nice though." I roll my eyes fondly and we finish eating our food. 

"Oh shit. My mom is calling me. She's gonna be pissed that I'm skipping school." He shows me his phone with the contact name 'BIRTH' on it. "Just tell her you threw up or something." He shakes his head at me and answers the phone, putting on a voice that is 100% different than the one he uses to talk to me.

"Hello?" He bites his lip, listening to the loud feminine voice coming through the speaker. 

"Mom it's fine. Mother, listen to me." I laugh at him and he flips me off, throwing a fry at me. "I got sad! I had to leave for my mental health." I hear someone laughing through the phone and he glares at me, like he is daring me to laugh at him.

"No, it's okay I didn't just run off. My new friend Dallon picked me up!" "Snitch!" I hiss at him, earning a grin. "Yes he is a very nice boy. Okay. Yes I will be home tonight! Okay. Yeah. Okay bye mommy. I love you too." 

"Mommas boy!" I yell, pointing at him. "Oh shut up! Let's go to your house, I'm done with being in public for today." He sasses, I roll my eyes and take his trash, throwing it in the bin. (i guess im british now okay)

"Dallon get off me! You are three times as long as me I will suffocate!" Brendon yells, exasperated as I try sit on the smaller boy. "No! Not until you take it back!" He groans and tries to push me off of him.

"Never! Roblox is so much better than Minecraft." I go limp, putting all my dead weight on him and he sighs, giving up. "Okay fine, Minecraft wins. Now please get off of me!" I laugh at his dismay and roll off of the couch onto the floor. 

"Boys? What are you two doing?" My mom walks in the front door with her hands full of grocery bags, I get up and quickly go to help her. "I was just trying to teach Brendon a lesson." I hear him scoff loudly as I carry a few bags into the kitchen. 

"Can I help?" Brendon says, wandering in. "Of course you can Brendon! I would never pass up the opportunity for another butler around the house." I feel myself blush and cringe at my mothers comment but Brendon just snickers and makes small talk with my mom. 

I watched fondly as Brendon talks about the decor in the kitchen with my mom, watching how his hair flops into his eyes every time he moves his head, the way his eyes sparkle when he talks. He is a very attractive boy, I have to admit. I can see myself falling in love with him easily, but I shouldn't. 

He just got out of a long relationship and he is still healing. It will take a while. In my past few days of knowing him, I have noticed that he is pretty sensitive. 

In the meantime, I will just keep to my imagination. 


this will probably fl0p


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