February 14th

122 6 12

Brendon comes busting through my window at six in the morning, a box of chocolates and large stuffed bear in hand. 

"Happy Valentine's Day Dallon!" He yells, pouncing on my bed and kissing my face. "Happy Valentine's Day babe." I kiss him and he grins, handing over the box and stuffed animal. "Here you go." I grin and take them, thanking him. "Wait a second! I just got it! Dallon-tines day! I cracked the mother fucking code." 

"Okay, you are adorable, but you need to calm your tits." I tell him, making him purse his lips and sit against my wall. "I'm just really excited. I'm glad we don't have anything to cry over though!" "Except for the fact that mcr will never get back together. 

That gets me a hard slap to my shoulder, I deserve it though. 

"Let's just go back to sleep, we don't have anything to do until two thirty." "What are we doing at two thirty?" He asks, perking back up. 

"You'll see." 

♥ brendon urie's back is more attractive than me

I attempt at making heart-shaped pancakes for our 'breakfast', but they come out at weird  misshapen circles. Brendon tells me they look exquisite. 

"Soo where are we going at two thirty?" He says, pouring syrup all over his pancakes. "I said that you'll see! Be patient." He sighs and eats his breakfast. 

 "Do I have to dress up?" "You have to look cute." He scrunches up his nose at me. "I always look cute!" I poke him in the side with my fork, making him laugh and swat me away. 

After eating, he runs over to his house to get dressed, he was too excited to bring clothes over this morning. 

yall im seriously having a mental breakdown im so stressed out but you know what, this seems more important and i dont want to disappoint the people reading this so im writing......carry on now

"What is this place?" Brendon asks, looking around the small cafe. "Uhh it's a place. Here, go get us drinks and a seat, I will be right back." I hand him some cash and he looks at me with an uncertain look. "Okay." 

I sneak off, dodging tables and people as I make my way over to the tiny stage area and into a separate room. 

"This is going to be so cute Dallon! He is so going to love it." Patrick, the assistant manager of this cafe gushes to me, handing my ukulele over. "Thanks Patrick. I'm super nervous, what if people don't like it? What if Brendon doesn't like it? What if-" "Shut up Dallon, you're going to do so well! Look, he's sitting down, get out there." Patrick shoves me out of the room, a bright light shining on me and I feel everyone staring. 

"Uh- Hi my name is Dallon Weekes, and I met this boy. This beautiful, beautiful boy two weeks ago. He was crying in his driveway, out in the snow, and being the good person I was, I went over to see if he was alright." I wink at Brendon, who is blushing really hard as a spotlight goes on him. 

"Brendon Urie, thank you for the best two weeks of my life. This song is for you." 

(i changed my mind on the song i was gonna have him play so just pretend that 'love at first sight' has a ukulele or whatever idk man)

"Could this be love at first sight or should I walk by again? You're photogenically dressed, the conversation begins. Oh god oh what did I say let me start over again." Brendon's smile grows, his hands moving to cover his mouth as people look over at him. 

"...Dark dark nights and violent things, vaudevillian girls and violin strings. All of these are the prettiest things when I'm in love." I end the song and people start clapping and cheering, Brendon has tears streaming down his face as he runs up onto stage to hug me. I kiss his tears away.

Maybe I won't die alone, after all. 

♥700+ Words♥

biggest of uwus!!

i hope you all liked it!!

im going to go through this some time and re-edit it

idk if i want to make a sequel of them just being a couple and stuff but that might take the 'magic' away from it???

happy valentines day!

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