February 5th

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My mom came home to two half naked boys asleep on her couch last night. You would think she has gotten used to it by now. She hasn't. 

I haven't seen Brendon since last night when he helped me put away my laundry then jumped out the window to go home. I liked watching him crawl through his bedroom window though, he has a cute butt. 

"So are you and Brendon.. Dating?" My mom looks over at me worriedly as we drive to the mall. She is going on her first date in two years since my dad left and she needs my help picking out her outfit. I'm pretty sure it's because I have that homosexual flair, but I'm happy to help. 

"No, we aren't. We are just gal pals mom." She laughs, "I was just wondering. You two seem, close." I smile and grab onto the 'oh shit bar' as she takes a sharp turn. "No we are not dating. Yes, we're close, but he is not ready for a relationship right now. He just got out of a tough break up." She makes a noise of sympathy (???) and looks for a parking spot. 

"So do you-" "Like him?" She nods, smiling, "I think so. He is very cute, and funny. And he makes fun of my height and watches movies with me and ditches school to cuddle with me." She raises an eyebrow as we get out of the stuffy car. "I just don't want to force him into a relationship right now. I can tell that he is still hurt from Ryan." 

"I understand. Now help me look like a milf!" "Ew mom what the fuck." She reaches up and ruffles my hair as we walk into the crowded mall.

After a few hours of shopping and trying to boost my mothers confidence, we end up back at the house, both mentally exhausted. I head up to my bedroom to take a much needed nap while my mom gets ready for her date. We are pretty close, we always have been. 

My dad was a low key homophobe. He never really said anything super negative about me being gay, but we all knew he was not okay with it. The last straw was probably when he came in my room and saw me giving Pete Wentz-his bosses son-head. He left my mom a few months after that.

 I walk in my room and I'm met with Brendon Urie, eating my oreos and watching Rupaul's Drag Race. 

"Oh, hey Dallon." 

"Hey... How long have you been here?" He shrugs, setting the half empty package of cookies on the bedside table. "Since a few minutes after you and your mom left. There was a snow day at school." I nod and take off my boots and shirt, joining him on the bed.

"Why didn't you just come with us?" He looks over and smiles at me. "I didn't want to interrupt your 'mother-daughter' bonding time." I tell him to shut up and he just laughs at me. 

"Dally, I got a question." I look over at him, raising my eyebrows. "Do you think you'll ever fall in love?" I look out the window at the slowly falling snow, thinking a little.

"I have before. Just not with the right people." He hums in response. "Do you think you will ever get married? Have kids?" I shake my head. "I don't think about that stuff. I just think about what is going on now. I mean, I would like to get married, I just doubt I will find someone who will feel the same towards me, you know?" 

He nods and shifts his body, moving so his head is laying in my lap.

"I get that. I thought for sure me and Ryan would get married someday. Maybe even adopt a few kids. I guess we just weren't meant to be. He was always afraid of commitment." I put my hand in his hair, stroking it softly. 

He falls asleep shortly after that, soft snores hanging in the cold room. He left my window open when he crawled in. I should get him a spare key.

"I don't want to go to school! Dallon, do you think I could drop out?" Brendon and I had just woken up from a nap, eating ramen noodles on my bedroom floor. "I don't think that's a smart decision." He sighs heavily. "But! I can't do it anymore! My hair is going to fall out from the stress." 

"You just don't want to wake up early, and you don't want to see Ryan every day." I tell him matter-of-factly. "I would much rather wake up early to come here! Ugh Dallon you don't understand my pain." I roll my eyes, pushing him lightly. "It's just a few more months Brendon. You'll live." 

"Can you do all my homework for me?" He raises an eyebrow at me, slurping his noodles  obnoxiously. "What? No I'm not a slave." He groans and sets his bowl down on the floor, laying down in defeat. "Come on" He whines, "At least just my math homework?"

"Fine. Only your math homework. That means you have to actually go to school too, no more coming in through my window at four in the morning because you don't want to deal with any bullshit. You are going to get in trouble." 

Brendon sits up, sighing once more. "Fine. What time is it anyways?" 

"Eight thirty. You should probably go home, sugar." He blushes at the nickname and shovels the rest of his noodles into his mouth. 

I watch as he struggles to put his shirt on, first he puts it on inside out, then backwards. I feel like every time he falls from a window he loses more brain cells. 

"Bye Dally." He hugs me, something he has never done before, and climbs out the window as I whisper 'goodbye' back.

♥1000 Words♥

i really want some ramen now

i love pretty. odd.

ur all twinks and i love you

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