February 7th

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Last night, I fell in love with Brendon Urie.

I wasn't sure at first, but then I saw the way he was absolutely glowing under the streetlights in front of my house. The way he was so excited as he yelled 'fuck you Ryan Ross' to his dreaded ex. When he kissed me before getting out of my car, I knew I had to have him.

This is why I lie awake until six o'clock in the morning, just an hour before Brendon runs into my house and up to my bedroom to wake me up so I can drive him to school. I did not get a wink of sleep that night. I just thought about Brendon.

I know that I can't be in a romantic relationship with him yet, but god do I want to. I could see how fucking hurt he was even as he vandalized and pissed on Ryan's home. I know that there is a part of him still hurting from him, so I have to be patient. 

I realize that I'm not going to fall asleep so I roll over onto my side and grab my phone to text Brendon. 

Daddy Long Legs: Good morning jake paulers

Beebo: you have to stop 

Daddy Long Legs: y do u hate me :(

Beebo: Oh!!

Beebo: Happy one week friend-aversary! (ik they became friends on a saturday in this, but it has been 7 days if u do the math)

Daddy Long Legs: oh yes, how could I forget

Beebo: do I h a v e to go to school today

Beebo: Ryan will fucking MURDER ME

Daddy Long Legs: oml

Daddy Long Legs: you have to go all week(es) next week then

Beebo: What about Valentine's Day!!!

Beebo: I wanna come over and cry on Valentine's Day

Daddy Long Legs: ok ya thats the one exception

Beebo: yay

Beebo: can i come over

Daddy Long Legs: yeh

Moments later, Brendon comes through my window, face first, onto my floor. "Ow fuck." He groans, getting up and closing my window. 

"Jesus. We are getting you a house key so you can stop doing that every time you come over." He crawls onto the bed and pouts. "But I like coming through the window! It's adventurous!" I roll my eyes and move over so he can lay next to me. 

"What is on the gay agenda for today, dal pal?" He turns to lay on his side, facing me. "Uhh I don't know. What do you want to do?" He bites his lip, thinking. 

"We should get like, pet fish! One for you and one for me, the gay friendship fish!" His eyes light up, a cute smile appearing on his pale face. "That means we will have to take care of something. We can't even look after ourselves."

He scoffs and pokes me in the stomach, "Stop being a negative nancy, I want a fish." "Fine." I know that the chances of him shutting up until he gets his way are slim to none, so I just comply to his wish. (clueless reference uwu)

We layed in bed for an hour or two, talking and cuddling -neither of us could sleep- and we eventually got up to go to the petsmart in search for our fish. 

"So Dallon," Brendon starts, tying his shoes, "What do you want to name your fish? I was thinking about just naming mine Dallon so that I will always have a mini you to keep me company." He's so odd. "I'll name mine Brendon then, so I can have a mini you." He grins and stands up, immediately falling over onto his face. 

The dumbass tied his shoes together. 

"Brendon you fucking idiot" I say between laughs. "Shut up! It didn't happen!" He quickly fixes his shoes, making sure that they are tied correctly. "How did you even do that? What the fuck!" I continue laughing as a blush spreads on his face. 

"Dallon stop!" He whines, slapping me. "Okay okay, let's go." He sighs and I stand up, grabbing my keys and ruffling his hair. 

"I hate you." He grumbles, "I hate you more." 

Brendon has been looking at the fish at petsmart for the past twenty minutes, stressing out about which kind to get. 

"But Dallon I can't decide! They are all too precious! Look at all these babies!" I can't help but coo at how cute he is being, "Brendon, they are fish. Just pick one." He just huffs and walks over to the turtles. 

"Why don't we just get a turtle?" I shake my head quickly. "My mom would never let me take a turtle into her house. Just pick out some fish so we can go get breakfast, I'm starving." 

He walks over and picks out a blue betta fish, smiling. "It matches your eyes! Now you pick one" He says enthusiastically. I get a bright red one, holding it up and inspecting it. "This one is thick with two c's, just like you." He blushes and laughs, covering his mouth. 

"Shut up. Let's go get waffles." 

We pay for our new pets and go to Waffle House, smuggling the fish in our jackets so they can eat breakfast with us. 

"Happy one week friend-aversary Dallon, you beautiful giraffe." Brendon smiles at me, resting his head in his hands. "Happy one week friend-aversary to you too Brendon. Thanks for having a breakdown in your driveway at an extremely convenient time." 

He laughs softly, kicking me under the table. "Thanks for spending all your money on food for me." 

"Excuse me but, you can't just take your fish in here sir." A blonde haired waitress interrupts our gay bonding session, pointing at mini brendon and mini dallon. "Why the fuck not?" Brendon retorts, she gives him a glare. "Because it's unsanitary." 

"These are his service animals. We simply can't go anywhere without them or he will have a fit." I tell her, she gives me a weird look. "Here watch what happens." I wink at Brendon and pick up the fish in their little plastic containers, walking outside with them and watching through the window as Brendon throws himself on the floor, yelling. 

"Okay okay you can keep them! Jesus christ." She says, trying to shut Brendon up. "Thank you so much, I appreciate it." She sighs and takes our orders, still glaring at Brendon. 

"Why are we like this Dallon?" Brendon laughs and taps the outside of the container mini dallon is in. "Because we are stupid and can get away with it." 

I think I've found my soulmate. 

♥1100+ Words♥

idk why that just happened but ok

we stan a sister soulmate

ill leave..

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