February 13th

87 6 4

sorry this is late uwu

i ran out of time/creativity 

happy dallon-tines day though!!! 

I spent the day finishing the song for Brendon while he was at school, sending me some, 'suggestive' text messages. 

Forehead: dallon let me suck your toes

Legs: shut the fuck up

Forehead: dallon let me climb you like the tree that you are

Legs: omg

Legs: aren't you in class??

Forehead: Mr. Seaman had a mental breakdown and walked out

Legs: lmfao

Forehead: VORE ME 

Legs: nO

Forehead: ok but seriously, let me suck your dick

Legs: 🗿

Forehead: Ughhh I'll see u later

Forehead: ;)

I toss my phone on my bed and go back to making another tumblr post. 

y'all i think i finished my song for brendon

he keeps asking to suck my dick,,,, anyways,,, should i post a video of me playing the song for valentines day? would that be good for you?? k bye i love you guys

I get a bunch of all caps responses either yelling "Stop cockblocking yourself" and "yes dad", the usual.

It's not that I don't want Brendon to suck my dick or anything like that, I would love to do stuff like that, I just dont want to rush into this. I don't want this to end up like my past relationships, where we start out going fast and spontaneous but run out of room, crashing and burning in yet another messy break up. 

"So Dallon, what are you doing for Brendon for Valentine's Day?" My mom asks, coming into my room slowly. "I wrote him a song!" I tell her excitedly. "I'm going to take him to a little cafe that allows live music downtown and play it for him." 

"That's adorable Dallon. I bet he will love it." She smiles and ruffles my hair, my alarm to pick up said boy going off. 

I smile at Brendon as he makes his way to the car, dancing a little as he walks. 

"Hey baby! How was your day?" I ask him, kissing him on the cheek. "It was good for once! I sat with Pete, Tyler, and Josh at lunch and we started a food fight with Ryan and Jon, then Mr. Seaman just left us in the middle of sixth period so we all just fucked around." My heart warms at the way his eyes light up.

"That's great B." He holds my hand tight as I drive us home. 

When we get in my house, Brendon chucks his backpack across my living room with a relieved sigh, taking off his shirt right after. "Well you certainly take the 'make yourself at home' saying seriously." My mom says, laughing. Brendon blushes and we run up to my room.

"Dal, can we watch the Bee Movie?" He asks, crashing down on my bed. "The Bee Movie?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "Duh! I have not watched it in a month! I need to respect my father, Barry B. Benson." I roll my eyes, taking off my shirt. 

"Of course we can." He giggles and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close. "Well someone's excited to see me." A faint blush shows on his cheeks as I put on the movie. 

"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly." Brendon says, in synch with the movie. He's pretty odd.

"Why do I have to go home? Why don't you like me Dallon?" Brendon is whining at me, not letting go of my legs. "Because I have to do some secret stuff for tomorrow, you can come over as early as you want to cuddle in the morning, but I have stuff to do." I tell him, trying to pry the brunette off of me. 

"Can't I just hang out with your mom?" 

"No Brendon." He groans and gives up, laying on the floor. "I hate you." "I hate you more. I'll text you later babe." We exchange a quick kiss and he returns to his house, walking very dramatically, kicking snow everywhere.

After two long hours of long talking to Brendon, I text him. 

Legs: look out ur window.

I open my window, being shocked at the cold breeze at first as he leans out his. 

"Hi." I yell, making him laugh. "Bonjour." He yells back, leaning out farther. "If you fall, I will be pissed." "I'm not that dumb! Why haven't we tried doing this before? It's 'romantic'" 

"Because we have technology, and it's really cold." He laughs again, looking around as the snow falls. "Is that all?" I nod, smiling at him. "I just wanted to see you." "You're so cheesy! Disgusting!" I laugh at him and blow a kiss, shutting my window. 

Legs: you are beautiful.

Legs: goodnight ♥

♥700+ Words♥


happy dallon-tines day, again uwu

i will hurry up and write the last part in the next hour or so

ur all cute and ily

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