Tag (not an update)

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Sorry guys, this isn't an update, though I will be doing that soon!

I was tagged by SUNSHINEsix

I was tagged by SUNSHINEsix

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1. I'm hella bisexual ;)) girls and guys hmu ;) ..... JK JK JK I AM JUST KIDDING! Butttt if you wanna sure :)

2. fEmAle

3.  I have no clue lol

4. Promise by Jimin

5. Blackish brownish

6. Aries

7.  my sister, I'm a single bish, I haven't  had my first kiss with someone who ISN'T related to me yet😂

8. Blue🦋

9.  Pork dumplings and Shang Hai rice cakes 🤤🤤

10. 74%

11. Too many but if I had to then either Jay Park or Hong Da Bin

12. Cucumbers

13. Dark brown

14.  I have no clue LMAO

15.  Artist or neurosurgeon

_Kkpoptrashh_ SomeoneWhoIsCrazi babyboyggukie  Bangtan-Trashcan  BtsBae999  Jackfuller99 KarateJulao  hani-bee HoeForHobi- alahahie ikonicarmyigot7exol kego_san AliceDollOfficial Creekforlife 95svmin fluffis4suckers Natisgayaf pocketbangtan parkchaeyoong MintySkyeKpop

Sorry if I tagged you and you didn't wanna be tagged, I just randomly chose people I followed, ya don't need to do this or respond if you don't wanna. Alright then THAT IS ALL FOLKs😁

Goodnight all you beautiful people, I needA sleep since it is past midnight 💘

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