Chapter 4

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Aang's Dream/POV

"AANG!!!!! AANG!!"  I bolt up from my position at the sound of [y/n]'s screams of my name, I don't know why but I have always protected her despite her constant insistence that she could handle herself but once my eyes opened I was greeted with a loud sound of lightning crashing. Looking around I had realized we were inside a nasty storm and I climbed onto Appa's head while grabbing the reins. 

After she woke me up she just stayed in the saddle on Appa's back and held on for dear life since the wind and rain were getting heavy I briefly saw her tears from the pain. I couldn't help but scream along with her as we plummeted towards the sea, we were in the cold water for a small amount of time but I saw [y/n] slip from the saddle before Appa had floated to the surface.  I don't know what happened but I could hear Appa yell before a large amount of water smothered us. My view paned away from Appa and myself, I could see [y/n] deep down in the water where I was heading, my unconsciousness didn't last long and my eyes glowed along with my arrow tattoos, I had Grabbed [Y/N] and created an ice sphere around the three of us. 

How long were we in that ice?    

 Aang's POV

 "Aang! Aang! Wake up!" 

I lurched up breathing heavily but there was no rain beating down towards me. It was Katara who had woken me up....but I wasn't really concerned with Katara at the moment "It's okay, we're in the village now..." She pointed outside of the tent "Come on, get ready. Everyone's waiting to meet you" I stood up with a nod and put my shirt back on. I don't know if it's just a feeling but I could feel Katara was staring at me yet I quickly shook the feeling off and finished getting dressed. Katara yanked me out of the tent and on the way out I saw Sokka sitting down with [Y/N] yelling at him for with her hand on his head and in the snow, I guess it's not surprising since she has always had a temper. I knew she was okay but... I just wanted to see her, that dream frightened me a lot. 

Katara stopped pulling me and gestured towards the group of women and children "Aang, this is the entire village. The entire village, Aang" 

[Y/N]'s Pov 

"You're sharpening it wrong, Sakka" I've been watching him sharpen his Boomerage for a few minutes but he's been doing it wrong this entire time, He turned his head towards me with a glare "Why do you care? Why don't you just check on your 'Air Bender' ice boy?" I growled and slammed his head into the ground "WANNA SAY THAT AGAIN PONYTAIL?!" I let go of his head and he quickly got up "Remember who's village you are in! I could kick you out if I wanted to!" I ignored Sokka and turned towards Aang and saw that the people of this village seem to be afraid of him, I guess it's natural since they don't know him but maybe it's a little much. Aang turned towards Katara with a scrunched up face "Uh, why are they all looking at me like that? Did Appa sneeze on me?" I walked forward and stood beside Aang while this elder woman walked a little forward before speaking "Well we haven't seen an Airbender, in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct. Until my Grandchildren had found you and the young woman" My eyes widened at the word 'extinct' last I remember there were tons of Airbenders. Aang stared at the woman "Extinct?" 

Katara spoke ignoring Aang's confused tone "Aang, [Y/N] This is my grandmother" the Woman's face remained unchanged "Call me Gran Gran" Sokka had approached Aang and snatched his staff away "What's this? A weapon? You can't stab anyone with this" Sokka twirled it and Aang took it back with his airbending "It's not for stabbing, it's for Airbending" 

I don't have fond memories of Aang's Glider, He tried to fly with me on it and it did not go well. Let's just say Appa had to catch me from the falling to my death. 

The Kids of the village called Aang's airbending a magic trick but with a smile, Aang corrected them "Not Magic, Airbending. It lets me control the air currents around my glider and fly" I didn't Blame Sokka for not believing Aang, not a lot of people knew how skillful airbenders can be "Uh, Last time I checked, people can't fly" With a smirk Aang got in position while holding onto his glider "Well, check again!" Aang launched himself straight up and started flying around like he needed to impress the village but I knew he was trying to impress Katara which got himself stuck head first into whatever kind of structure that is. Aang yanked himself out of the structure and got a little covered in snow, Katara was worried about Aang but Sokka's mouth was down onto the floor "My watchtower!" 

I rushed up to Aang and offered him a hand "You show off" I smiled and yanked him up, Katara stood at my side with a large smile on her face and spoke, "That was amazing!" The kids were also gathering around Aang with excitement and watched his glider turn back to a regular staff with a twirl of his fingers.  

I ignored Sokka complaining about Katara and Aang being benders, I placed my hand on my now fastly beating heart. My body always has something wrong with it when I sense danger but this time I am sure that I am wrong, nothing's happening besides Aang showing the kids his airbending. 

'Nothing will Happen, right? '

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