Chapter 7

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We walked along the path back to Kataras village but our heads weren't held high and neither was the village people who all had looks of disappointment and anger. The kids of the village run-up to Aang with large smiles on their little faces "Yay! Aang's back!" they crowded around him happy as the rest just glared daggers through Aang and I. Sokka moved forward "I knew it! You signaled the fire navy with that flare! You're both leading them straight to us, aren't you?" I couldn't blame Sokka for making these kinds of assumptions, Katara stood in front of Aang and I "They didn't do anything, it was an accident." Aang rubbed the back of his head "Yeah, we were on the ship and there was this booby trap and well we boobied right into it" Katara's Grandmother shook her head while keeping the stern look on her face "Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship. Now we could all be in danger" I felt my face scrunch up as I spoke "Don't blame Katara! It was our idea to get onto the ship, it was our fault" Sokka pointed directly at me "Aha! The traitor confesses! Warriors, away from the enemy! The foreigners are now banned from our village!" The kids walk away from Aang's side and back to their mothers "Sokka, you're making a mistake" Sokka shakes his head firmly "No! I'm keeping my promise to Dad. I'm protecting you from threats like them!" 

Katara gestured towards us "Aang and [Y/N] aren't our enemies. Don't you see, they have brought something that we haven't had in a long time: Fun" Sokka seemed to be getting frustrated at this point with Katara insisting we're not threats "We can't fight the fire nation with fun!" Aang smiled innocently as he spoke "You should try it sometime" Sokka has had it at this point, it's written all over his face "get out of our village, now!" 

Katara turns to her grandmother "Gran, don't let Sokka do this" She shook her head slightly "Katara, you knew going onto that ship was forbidden. Sokka is right, I think it's best if they leave" Katara grunts with anger "Fine! Then I'm banished to!" Katara grabs our arms and walks us towards Oppa "Come on guys, let's go!" Sokka yells towards Katara "Where do you think you're going?!" Katara refused to turn back towards her brother and continues pulling us away from her village "To find a water bender, we're going to the north pole!" Aang smiles "We are? Great!" I didn't share his enthusiasm though, Katara doesn't seem to be the one who could just up and leave her family during a blind rage. "Katara! Would you really choose him, over your tribe? your own family?" She stood there silently, I saw her face had fallen at the realization of the consequences of what she was about to do.

 I do not know what it's like to really want to learn how to bend but I know what it's like to lose your family, I put my hand on Katara's shoulder "Katara, think about what you're doing. Is it really worth abandoning your family for waterbending?" Aang walked up on the opposite side of me "Katara, we don't want to come in-between you and your family" I let go of Katara, letting my hand gently graze her arm as I got closer to Appa. Katara spoke sadly "So you're leaving the south pole? This is goodbye...?" I couldn't tell if that was a question or a statement from her but Aang looked towards her with his classic smile "Thanks for penguin sledding with us" She shrugged "Where will you go?" He put his hand on Appa "Guess I'll take [Y/N] with me to find the airbenders. Wow... I haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years, not looking forward to that" Aang helped me up onto Appa's saddle before climbing onto his head and tightly gripped the reigns "It was nice meeting everyone" Sokka stood there with his arms crossed and leaking with attitude as he spoke "Let's see your bison fly now air boy" I clenched my fists tightly, I wanted to snap at him for being so mean but I'm holding my tongue because it would just make the situation worse for Aang and me.

"come on, Appa, you can do it! Yip! Yip!" Appa very slowly got up with a low groan "Yeh, I thought so." One of the younger girls ran up next to katara "Ah! Aang, don't go! I'll miss you!" Aang looked at the young girl sadly "I'll miss you too..." Katara and Aang gave each other sad looks like a quiet goodbye yet they both couldn't say it out loud "Come on, boy" his voice was very quiet and sad. I couldn't move my eyes away from Sokka, yeah we fought but it was fun teasing him "So long..."

It didn't take long for me and Aang to find a spot to relax, Appa was getting tired from walking and Aang is too depressed to try and get him to fly. I sat next to Aang in the small circle above Appa, my back leaning against the ice. Appa let out a loud groan "Yeah... I liked her too." I looked at Aang and gently put my hand on his arm "What will we do?" He barely lifted his eyes "We'll just have to go to the temple, hopefully, he Airbenders there will help us and let you stay there with me" I couldn't help but smile a bit "That be nice"

Aang suddenly lurched up and gasped, I turned my head to see a large fire nation ship 

"The village..." 

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