Chapter 6

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"COME ON [Y/N]!" Aang grabs my hand and runs towards the penguin who was trying to waddle away from Aang and I, it led us to a large group of penguins who were playing in the snow and jumping into the water, as I was chasing a penguin for Aang I heard Katara calling "Aang? [Y/N]?" I slowly move towards a group of three "Come on, don't you want to go sledding little penguins?" I quickly fell over as they picked up their pace to get away from me "Oof" Me and Aang both had fallen almost face-first into the snow. 

"Hehehe" Aang got up and turned towards Katara "I have a way with animals" he started to waddle around like a penguin "Ack! Ack! Ack!" Katara and I giggled towards him "Aang, I'll help you catch a penguin if you teach me waterbending" I get up from the snow and wipe myself off "You got a deal! Just one problem. I'm an Airbender, not a water bender" Aang gets up as well and turn towards Kitara. I look at Katara "Isn't there someone in your tribe that can teach you, Katara?" She turns away sadly "No, you're looking at the only waterbender in the whole south pole" Aang looks down at the snow "This isn't right. A waterbender needs to master water. What about the north pole? There are water benders up there right? Maybe they have waterbenders who can teach you" Katara crosses her arms "Maybe, but we haven't been in contact with our sister tribe in a long time, it's not exactly turning right at the second glacier, it's on the other side of the world" Aang and I smile towards Katara "But you forget, Aang has a flying bison we can personally fly you to the north pole" Aang smiles widely "Yeah! It could be fun! Plus [Y/N] has always wanted to the north pole" I quickly grabbed a handful of snow and shoved it into Aang's face "SHUT UP AANG!" We both giggled "I mean...I dunno guys, I've never left home before" 

I helped Aang up off the ice-cold ground "Well you think about it, but in the meantime can you show us how to catch a penguin?" Kataras' mood changed fast as she reached into her pocket "Okay, listen closely my young pupils, is an ancient and sacred art" She pulls out a pair of fish "Observe" then tosses both towards us which causes a horde of penguins to surround us "ACK! ACK!" 

**Time skip**

"WHEEEEE!!!! Hahahaha" The three of us slide off of the large hill and onto the slope, Aang decided to lean towards this narrow ledge which caused him to jump high above me and Katara, the penguin lands on its stomach and continues to go faster than us "Hahaha, I haven't done this since I was a kid!" Aang and I turned to Katara "We're all still kids Katara!" We continued to slide down the hills while laughing loudly, it reminded me of when Aang and I first became friends, we always had the best of time at the temple. We suddenly came to a stop in front of this large ship mostly encased in ice, the three of us got off the penguins and got closer "Wooow! what is it?" I could tell Katara felt uncomfortable around this strange ship "A fire navy ship and a very bad memory for my people" Aang got closer to the ship "Aang stop, we're not supposed to go near it. The ship could be booby-trapped" Aang stopped and turned around "if you want to be a bender, then you're going to have to let go of fear" Katara and I got closer to the ship slowly, I don't know why but I feel like a lot of people worked hard to trap this ship here but my question is 'why would they need to?' 

Aang helped Katara and I up these large ice rocks and into a large hole that leads into the bowels of the ship. Katara was very cautious to look around for booby traps while Aang and I just were looking around as if it were a display until we got to a weapons room "This ship has haunted my tribe since Gran-Gran was a little girl. It was apart of the fire nations first attacks" Aang moved away from some of the weapons "Okay back up, I have friends all over the world, even the fire nation and I haven't seen any war" Katara put a hand on my shoulder "How long were you guys in that ice burg?" I shrugged and looked towards Aang "To me, it felt like last night is when we were frozen" Aang looked at me while holding one of the weapons "I'd say a few days at least, [Y/N]" Katara looked down then back up at us "I think it was more like a hundred years" Aang quickly turned to Katara "WHAT? that's impossible, Do we look like we're 112-year-olds?" 

"think about it, the war is a century old. You two don't know about it because somehow you both were in there that whole time. It's the only explanation" I quickly fell to my knees, it was getting too much to remain standing. My head felt a million times too big for my body. I noticed Aang was sitting on the floor as well "I'm sorry guys, maybe there is a bright side to all of this" He grabbed my hand while looking into my eyes with a brief smile "Yeah..." My cheeks were a bright red from embarrassment, despite my glove, I could feel Aangs warmth through it and it makes my whole body tremble "Come on guys lets get out of here" Aang helped me up before letting go of my hand and walking out with Katara. Eventually, we came to a room that seemed to have the steering wheel "Guys, we should start heading back" Suddenly I stop, feeling my foot hit a thin string that causes the thick door to fast and trapping us in "W-what did you say about booby traps?" an elaborate contraption comes to life and shoots a flare high into the sky "Oh no" Aang quickly grabbed me and Katara "Hold on tight!" the three of us are launched out of the hole in the roof and rushes off towards the village in a hurry

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