Chapter 12

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Sokka stares at the map for a while then looks up "You have no idea where you're going do you?" Aang smiles nervously "well I know it's near water." Sokka sighed in annoyance as he looked down at the vast ocean beneath Appa "I guess we're getting close, then." Katara and [Y/N] both were pretty into sewing "Good job [Y/N] you're doing good at the ladder stitch" She smiled at the praise and didn't notice Aang staring at Katara as she handed Katara the pants to let her finish them. Aang looked to Momo on his shoulder "Momo, Marbles please" Momo went into Aangs shirt and came back out with the marbles in hand and gives them to Aang "Hey, Katara, check out this airbending trick." [Y/N] handed Katara the pants to let her finish them. Aang uses his airbending to make the marbles rotate in between his hands but Katara nor [Y/N] lifted their heads to look "That's great, Aang" he closes his hands over the marbles "You didn't even look" Katara looks to Aang "That's great." He sighed in defeat "But I'm not doing it now." Sokka waved his hand "Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing." [Y/N]'s fists clenched at her pants but Katara spoke before she could "What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?"

Katara's eyebrows were furrowed together in anger as she held the needle in her hand, Sokka spoke plainly "Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting, fighting, and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things." Katara yanked the needle to snap the thread before holding it up with a smile "All done with your pants and look what a great job [Y/N] and I did." She throws the pants at Sokka's face "Wait no, Katara! I can't wear pants like this! Katara please!" He stuck his entire arm through the hole of his pants. Aang smiles widely "Relax, Sokka. Where we're going you won't need any pants!" Aang excitedly pulled Appa's reigns

**Sometime later**

Aang lands Appa at a beach of this rather largeish island with a lot of snowy mountains. Sokka helped Katara and [Y/N] out of Appa's saddle then turns to Aang with his hands to his hips "We just made a pit stop yesterday. Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?" Katara turns her head to Aang "Sokka is right, at this rare, we won't get to the north pole until spring." Aang has been surveying the water as they were talking but gives a side look to Appa with a smile on his face "But Appa is tired, isn't that right, Appa?" He just merely grunted in response to Aang "I said, 'Aren't you, boy?'" he gently elbows Appa as he spoke which caused Appa to yawn unconvincingly and Aang pointed his thumb towards Appa with a big grin. [Y/N] rolled her eyes "That wasn't very convincing Aang" Sokka shrugged "Still, hard to argue with a 10-ton magical monster." Aang turned away from the group and rushed forward with a large smile on his face and his finger pointed in the direction of the water. From the beach, the Elephant Koi still looked massive; Aang starts to quickly remove his top and pants as he spoke "That's why we're here, the Elephant Koi. Katara, you've got to watch me." [Y/N] crossed her arms as she watched Aang jump into the freezing cold water which caused her to smile once he popped back out of the water "COLD!!!" She couldn't help but laugh at Aang, Sokka just looked at Katara and twirled his finger by his head indicating that Aang was crazy.

Aang just kept swimming towards the deeper parts of the water then dived down before quickly coming back out hanging onto the Elephant Koi's fins as it jumped out of the water then back into the water much to Katara's amazement at the sight of his crazy stunt. The Koi resurfaced with Aang still hanging on then waving towards the group on the beach while laughing with excitement and Katara just waved back but Sokka and [Y/N] just stood there in silence, she did find it pretty amazing but knew that this was mostly a distraction from their mission. Katara turned to Sokka with a smile "He looks pretty good out there" Sokka at this point also had his arms crossed as well "Are you kidding? The fish is doing all of the work." Dolls continued to stare unimpressed at Aang "No Appa! Don't eat that!" Katara rushes off towards Appa as [Y/N] and Sokka remain in their place. Noticing that Katara ran off Aang got discouraged and didn't notice the much larger sea creature tailing the fish he was riding, Sokka yelled out "there's something in the water!" Aang blissfully unaware continues to ride the fish with excitement as [Y/N] is shouting "We have to help him!" Sokka threw his hands in the air "HOW ARE TWO NONE BENDERS GONNA HELP?!" Katara rushed up to Sokka's side "what's happening?" He turned to her "Aang is in trouble" all three of them turned to the water and started to shout as loud as they can "AANG! Get out of the water!!! Come back!!!" Aang waves but the fish flings him off of its back and into the water, quickly resurfacing he breathes deeply but turns around to see the larger sea creatures fin pop out of the water "AAAAA!!!" He takes off running on the water trying to get away as it continues to chase him. Sokka screamed as Aang headed straight for him and slammed them both into a tree "what was that?" Sokka got up as Aang was already redressing himself "Well let's not stick around to find out. Time to hit the road" suddenly from the tree tops four woman jumped down all wearing the same outfit and wearing the same makeup. Quickly the four women easily captured and tied up the four friends as well as blindfolded them "or we can stay awhile" despite her laying on her stomach [Y/N] kicked trying to hit Aang "And that's why we don't do sightseeing!" But Sokka was the one who took the hit "OW! O-Or we can stay awhile..."

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