Sorry Not Sorry

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"So what the hell does this mean for us?!" Chrissy yelled at me.

"Means I don't need you anymore," I smirked at her.

She huffed and stormed out the door to my apartment.

"Wait! No break up sex?" I yelled after her. "Fuck you, Tay Jardine," she said as she flipped me off.

I closed the door and laid on the couch, pretty annoyed she didn't want to do it once more before she left, I really thought she would. Oh well, whatever.

I turned on the TV to whatever stupid show was on. I flipped through the channels and settled for good old South Park. I brought out a few bags of chips from my kitchen and munched away. I know it's not healthy, and my mom would yell at me if she saw me, but I don't really care. I'm a grown ass woman, I can eat chips. I took a handful and stuffed them in my mouth. As I chewed my phone started ringing.

"Tay, where the fuck are you?! We need to get shit together before we leave tomorrow," he scolded through the phone.

"Yeah yeah lanky boy. I'm home and I'm ready. Just come pick me up tomorrow," I said as I rolled my eyes. I swear, he worries too much.

"Okay okay. Is Chrissy coming or," he asked.

I put a handful of more chips in my mouth. "Nah, I got rid of her ass," I said. I laughed at the thought of her bitchy ass on tour.

"Oh, it's a shame. I actually thought this one would make it to the public,"

"Nah, she fucked good though," I snorted.

No one outside my family and band know that I'm into girls, and I like it that way. I love the fans and shit, but my private life is private for a reason. No one needs to be all up in my business.

"Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow when you're in a better mood just be ready by 9 a.m. It's a 2 month tour that starts in LA so bring what you need," and with that, daddy Jordan hung up.

The hell does he mean when I'm in. A better mood? I mean, yeah, I'm not usually this much of an asshole but I can be and he should know that. It's not my fault I have no fucks to give, and even if I did, I wouldn't give any. Whatever, he doesn't know I finished packing yesterday. All I need is my beauty and hygiene stuff would be thrown into a bathroom bag. Yeah, I love touring. It's great living with the guys, the desperate girls just wanting to fuck a band member, and the fact that if I do fuck one no one believes them because I'm Tay Jardine. TV gets boring so I just go upstairs and sleep since it's one of the greater things I enjoy.

I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming because the last thing I remember is going to sleep. I didn't know who we were touring with mostly because I zoned out when they told us about that. I know you probably don't think this is relevant, but for some reason, I heard a voice, a woman's voice. The accent wasn't American, maybe British, European, Australian? I couldn't figure it out because a figure started to form in the darkness. From the body structure, I could tell it was a girl. As the light around her got brighter, more features were revealed. She had ombre hair, light brown on top and light blonde at the tips. As I walked closer, she got further. "I don't feel sorry for you," was sung repeatedly around the room. Next thing I knew, BOOM, my alarm was blaring and I woke up startled with aching eyes.

I got up, showered, and out on some comfortable clothes, you know, sweats, hoodie, comfy. I got all the things in my bathroom and stuffed them in a black bag. I started bringing the rest of my stuff down. I glanced at the clock, 9:05. The guys showed up at my door and we were off to the airport.

Chris Allen, our manager, met us and we were off. Luckily I got Cameron as my row mate, this means I'll have a great pillow.

"Excited Tay?" he asked.

"Thrilled actually,"

"Same, I've heard the guys are some real party animals,"

"Who exactly are we touring with? I kind of zoned out then,"

Cameron laughed. "Some people that we know," Dammit Cam. Guess he's not telling me. Oh well, I'll find out in a few hours.

We landed some time ahead of schedule and I'm pretty fucking glad because I'm starving. We went to Cheesecake Factory and I ate like I would never eat again. We get to the hotel and I wanted to nap but we had to meet the band's and ugghhhh. I'm cranky now, I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with cranky Tay.

The first we met was Alive Like Me, which has toured with Johnny Craig and Hands Like Houses. In front of me are very cute boys. The singer, Jairus was being rather charming, but if any of them were to interest me , it'd be their guitarist Dakotah. We were still waiting for another band and the guys still refused to tell me who.

Finally a tall (well, everyone's tall for my 5'3 self) guy with longish brown hair tied up in a pony tail came in. He looks very familiar.

"Oi mates, sorry for the delay. It's a long way from Sydney. I'm Jake in case you need a reminder," his voice boomed.

"It's all right man. Where's everyone else?" Jordan said.

"They're stretching. Be here any minute," he smiled.

I leaned back in my chair and saw more tall figures walk in. The dark haired one with the epic mustache was first.

"Hey guys, I'm Whakaio," he said to the Alive Like Me boys. They fist bumped and he hugged my guys.

Of course Whakaio, Tonight Alive, duh! In came in a more built guy with an extremely firm grip, must be Matt the drummer. In came a blonde boy I recognized immediately.

"Well well, if it isn't Mr. Cameron Adler," I smiled at him.

"And you are miss Tay Jardine,"

I hugged him. He's my favorite. He's that one that's hilarious and a sweetheart.

"Where's Jen?" Cameron, my Cameron asked.

"There," Cam pointed to the door

Coming in was a tall, thin girl. She had light brown hair that faded to a blonde at the tips. Her hair is long and falls in soft waves. She has a blindingly beautiful smile, paired with equally gorgeous green eyes. She was wearing a Glamour Kills shirt, jeans, black vans, a bucket hat, and a military green jacket with fleece sleeves and a hood. I know who she is, I've met her her a few times before, Jenna Mcdougall. She's just a girl right? A beautiful one at that, but yet she oh so happens to make my cold little heart race. Oh Jenna, I am so sorry, but the hunter in me just picked out her next target.


Hi, this is my first story so be gentle. I know I know, Tay is such an asshole but this adds to the story.

Anyways I'd appreciate feedback and suggestions. Be warned that the first few chapters take place within the same couple of days.

anyways thank you for reading!


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