The Best Thing That Will Ever Happen

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I had been dancing with Jenna most of the night. I was pretty sure I'd gotten her ready enough to be conquered by me. We were really close and I figured it was time.

"Let's go back to the hotel," I whispered into her ear.

She laughed. Why the fuck is she laughing?

"Not happening, Taylor," she said with her accent.

I was shocked.

"What?" I exclaimed.

Jenna just went and walked away.

What the fuck? Did she just reject me? I'm the best thing that's ever happened to her. I thought someone tap my shoulder. I turn to find a girl with artificial red hair standing there. She was well, very pretty and very open. I decided to take this as a consolation gift and I brought her back to my hotel room.

She fucked like a crazy girl. My god was it great. I couldn't enjoy it though, all I could think about it was Jenna. I had never had anyone reject me before. & I had this amazingly hot girl here, so why am i obsessing over her. The redhead stirred next to me.

"I think I should go," she said through a yawn.

"Yeah, it's getting late," I said.

I actually didn't know, I hadn't slept all damn night.

"All right. Thanks, Tay. You're great," she blew a kiss in my direction and walked out.

I laid on the bed and looked at the clock. It's 7 a.m. "Fuck this," I murmured and put a shirt on my face.

The familiar smell of cinnamon and incense sold my nose and I slept. Strange how one smile can relax someone so much. Even if its a smell that I don't really recognize, I really seem to enjoy it.

I woke up at 11 and realized the smell was that of Jenna. Jenna, the thought of her made my heart race. I get in the shower and again all I could think about was Jenna.

"Fuck Tay, you've never been tied down, she won't do it, just get over it," I yelled at myself.

I got ready for sound checks and show time. LA was at a great temperature so i wore a normal tank top, shorts, tights, combat boots, and a denim vest. I let my hair air dry and left it natural. I went downstairs while I tweeted " Hey LA! Make sure to bring the hype to the show tonight" I may be an asshole, but I love what I do, and the reason I can do it, the fans.

I got tons of retweets immediately and it made me smile. I love their support.

"Well look who's smiling," Jenna said.

The sudden sound of her voice made me jump and I looked up at her startled.

"Well I was alone and the sudden sound of your voice made me jump a bit," I said to her.

"Well aren't you sassy in the morning," she teased.

"I'm hungover," I said.

Lie. I didn't drink much at all last night. The truth is I was still annoyed at her rejection, and confused why her scent relaxed me so much.

"I told you alcohol isn't healthy," she said.

"Yeah you're right," I sighed.

Maybe the reason she rejected me is my attitude.

Tay why do you even care? You've never been rejected, anyone would die to have your attention, except her. That's the thing, that's the damn reason I can't stop thinking about her. The fact she doesn't want me is what makes me want her, but why?

Tay, snap out of it. You just really want to sleep with her, and to do that I have to change the game. Asshole Tay will only get me so far. I need to get close. It's Chrissy all over again, except this time I'll get exactly what I want.

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