Black Out

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Jenna POV

I was sitting in the bus thinking about the fucking amazing night Tay and I had. I was so into my own thoughts I hadn't noticed I was biting my lip until I felt the familiar metallic taste of my own blood coming from the slight rip on my lip.

"Thinking about the sea you and Tay had last night?" Cam teased as I rubbed and kicked the blood off my lip.

"Yeah. It's not like you got any" I smirked.

"Easy girl"

"What? Hit a nerve?" I kept teasing him.

"Fight me," he said as he stood up and got into his stance.

I smirked again and tackled him onto the floor with a loud thud. We rolled around, each one of us struggling to get control over the other. We were actually pretty evenly matched, until he let me get behind him, bad move. I wrapped my arm around his neck and got him in an extremely effective choke hold. He tapped on my arm frantically, signaling me that he was giving up. I got up triumphantly as he just glared at me with a pout.

"I just kicked your ass," I said with a smirk.

"Hell yeah she did!" Jake yelled and the other guys clapped and cheered. Cam laughed and I helped him up.

"Still got the moves, McDougall," he smiled down at me.

"Never forgot them, Adler," I smirked up at him.

After I got beat up in school, I begged my mom to let me take classes to learn how to fight and defend myself. It took a few days of coming back with bruises so that she would finally agree. I took so many different classes and got fairly good in them very fast. How good? Well, let's just say that if the band didn't work out I could have made a formidable career as a mixed martial arts fighter. After some time, people stopped trying to beat me because they would end up on the floor crying, and since then I have never forgotten what I learned. Even if I have no reason to use it ever.

Except for kicking the guys' asses when they deserve it of course.

It is definitely an excessively boring drive to Philadelphia, especially since after my little wrestling match with Cam everything died down, but it was finally over. We were parked a couple of streets away from the venue (mostly because I nearly got my shirt ripped off from kids attacking us with kindness) and Tay was supposed to come over so we could have some alone time before the usual meet and greet.

"I missed youuuuuuuuuuu," Tay sang as she burst through the door of the bus.

"I didn't," I said as she came up to me.

She had this shocked look on her face until I smiled and laughed teasingly and pulled her on my lap. We kissed softly at first, but knowing us and how freaking hormonal we get with each other, it was soon a full on make out session. Try pulled away for a breath and checked her phone. She kissed me again and mumbled "in 3, 2, 1" into my lips. As soon as she said 1, Jordan came in and told us it was time for the meet and greet. I laughed loudly and looked at Tay who was smirking.

"Typical," she sighed and took my hand as we walked out of the bus.

Everything went by in such a blur. The meet and greet was fun, the show was phenomenal,  and Tay's ass looked amazing in the jeans she was wearing. It was all good until Tay's face went pale, it was as if she had seen a ghost. She shook her head and kept going so I assumed that was her way of saying she was fine so I just went out to do my thing. As I came off stage, Hurley told me that Tay had gone ahead to the bus. I went out and walked the couple of streets and rounded a corner to find Tay arguing with a girl, while Jordan stood there annoyed as he tried to pull the girl away.

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