Lonely Party

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3rd Person's P.O.V.

     Tony smiled drunkenly to himself. "Friday, play the- play the song again." Tony orders. Friday responds by replaying Iron Man by Black Sabbath. He was feeling so energetic and (not surprisingly) feeling very self-absorbed.
He looked in the mirror and flexed, clutching the half-full beer bottle in his hand while he did so. He ruffled his hair, did it make him look sexier? He thought so. Then a new feeling approached.
He needed attention. Physical attention.

And he knew just who to go to.

Tony wandered the compound, checking his room. Not there. He checked the training room. Not there. He checked all the labs. Not there. He checked the roof. Not there. Oh, duh, the living room. Everyone was having a movie in about an hour, but that was an hour ago. So it must've just started.

(: Short time skip bc im lazy :)

Tony's P.O.V.

"So, Vision was able to pick it up?" A voice asks.

"Yeah. It was weird, no one else was able to pick it up. Not Tony, not even Steve." Someone says.

"Wow. Why did he say you guys couldn't pick it up again?" That voice, that's the one I wanted.

"He said we weren't 'worthy'" I'm guessing that's Nat.

"Oo-oh this is the good part. Shh." I think that's Bucky.

I peek around the corner and see everyone in the living room. Bucky. Steve. Nat. Bruce. Clint. The others. Stephen. Ding-ding-ding. He's the one I'm looking for.

I stumble into the livingroom and everyone turns to me. "Tony? We thought you were asleep." Steve says.
"Nope. Too awake to sleep."
Everyone stares at me. I must look good.

"Do you uh... Watch the movie with us? We're watching The Polar Express." Nat offers.

Woah... I just realized something: if two people on total opposite side of the world drop a peice of bread, the Earth becomes a sandwich!

I giggle. That's the most funny thing in the world. An EARTH sandwhich! Being held together by two slices of bread?

"Tony? Are you feeling okay?" Bruce asks.

"Whaaaaat? I am- I feel grrreat!" I state.

I look at my fingers, wow, they're soo clean.

"Wait... Tony, are you drunk?" Steve accuses.

I gasp and put my hand over my heart and act hurt, "Me? Get drunk? Of course -*hiccup*- Of course not!"

Everyone looks at eachother and look back at me. "How many drinks have you had?" Steve sighs.


"Mr. Stark has had 8 drinks, Mr. Rogers." Friday says.
I look up at the ceiling, as if Friday were actually there, and curse her out under my breath for betraying me.

"Tony, maybe you should go to bed." Bruce says.

I frown and cross my arms. "No, I came here to get who I want and I'm not leaving without them."

"'Who'?" Nat repeats.

I nod my head 'yes'.

"Then 'who' do you want?" Stephen asks.

My lips curve into a smile, "You."

Stephen's eyes go wide for a second, suppressing what I'm guessing is fear but hoping is excitement.

"M-Me?" Stephen points to himself.

I nod and stand proudly. I see Nat and Steve and pretty much everyone exchange glances.

"Tony, maybe tomorrow. You need to go to bed." Nat orders.

I scoff and roll my eyes, she always ruins the fun. "Just five minutes." I lie. They believe me though, the next thing I know Stephen is walking with me to my room.

"So.. So what did you need?" Stephen asks nervously. I chuckle at that.
"I told them I needed someone, and it's you."
Steohen looks at me, confused, "That doesn't answer my question."

I purposely ignore that statement as we walk into my room.

3rd Peron's P.O.V.

Tony shut the door behind him and as fast as he could, pinned Stephen against the wall, arms on either side of him.

"T- Tony?" Stephen muttered.

Tony breathed against the taller one's neck. "Stephen?" Tony mocked.

"What are-- What are you doing?" Stephen gulped. Tony smirked.

It all happened fast to Stephen. Tony kissed him, and without realizing it, he kissed back. Something felt like it just clicked.

The two kissed, only breaking apart for a few seconds from eachother when air was needed. They found themselves on the bed, Stephen hovering above Tony, who licked Stephen's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Stephen gladly let him in. Their tounges danced for dominance and Tony was about to win but Stephen pulled back.

"What? What's wrong?" Tony asked, worried he did something wrong.

"Nothing. It's just.. It's been more than five minutes." Stephen breathed heavily.

"So?" Tony smirked and leaned in to kiss him again.

"Tony," Stephen blocked Tony with his hand, "Everyone is probably wondering where I am. Give me a minute and let me tell them I'm just going to bed."

Tony nods and Stephen leaves and heads back into the living room.

" 'Five minutes' huh?" Nat smirks.

Stephen shoots a glare. "Yeah, yeah. I'm just going to bed."

"Ten minutes ago, you were wide awake." Bruce stated.

Stephen shrugged it off and prepared himself to lie again, "And now I'm not. Look, just let me go to sleep."

"What did Tony need you for?" Steve asked.

Stephen didn't answer.

"Oh my goodness. What happened up there?" Nat asked excitedly.

Stephen rolled his eyes, trying to sell the lie, "Nothing. He just..."

This is where it was going fall apart for Stephen. He couldn't think of an excuse.

"He just what?" The group pushed.

"Nothing. He just needed me.. For... A portal?" He tried.

"To where?" Bucky smirked.

"I can't tell you." Stephen crossed his arms.

"You're such a bad liar. They were obviously making out." Nat said.

Steohen goes wide-eyed. He tries to deny it but it's just him stuttering.

"Wait, were you guys actually making out?" Bruce smiles.


"Omg! You guys were actually making out!" Steve says.

"No! Now, goodnight!" Stephen dramatically turned and walked off.

He walked back to Tony's room, when he walked in he saw Tony laying under the covers and watching t.v. Stephen joined him and snuggled with him until they fell asleep. How cute.



Ew this was bad. I didn't know how to end it and it was already at 1028 words so I just ended it like that.

Lot's of Love

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