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An amazing request by JessieLaxton They gave me this incredible idea, so I happily wrote it!

3rd Persons P.O.V.

Tony grumbled, taking a seat next to Stephen. Everyone in the compound was called by Steve, and no one was particularly excited. They didn't even know why they were there, he had just told everyone they would be meeting in an hour in the living room. So there they were.

Everyone just acted as of they weren't there for a meeting, partially because the location they were having ot wasn't very meeting like. Some were acting if it was their own free time, which it was.

But when Steve walked in and positioned himself in the middle of the room, everyone quieted down, eventually.

"So you're probably wondering why I've gathered you here today. Well, the answer is pretty simple. I feel as though our team is kind of... Separating. Maybe not even that, but it almost feels as though we're less of a team now. We barely have missions for all of us to go on, and I feel like we've lost connection with each other." Steve explains.

No one talks as everyone tries to process what their being told, trying to think if they agree or disagree with his statement. Everyone collectively looks around, trying to see what anyone else is thinking but no one expresses their thoughts.

"I take your silence as an agreement. I was talking with some of you on how we could become closer as a team again, and Bucky suggested we share secrets with each other. Big, small, doesn't matter, but tomorrow night at this time, we're going to share one secret with each other."

Tony and Peter stare at each other nervously.

Everyone starts chatting with each other, some more excited, and some way more nervous. Someone asks if they could leave and Steve dismisses the group, allowing them to go back to what they were doing.

Tony and Stephen stand up together.

"This'll be interesting, looks like Peter and you are in big trouble." Stephen kisses Tony's cheek, chuckling to himself and leaving the room.

Tony and Peter are left in the room alone.

"What are we going to do!" Peter whisper yells.

"I don't know! I mean, we have to, right? Everyone will get mad if we don't tell them our secret.." Tony says.

"I mean... We're just going to have to say it, right?" Peter says, already knowing the answer.

"Unfortunately, yes."


As the team gathers themselves into the spots they were in before, Steve makes his way to the middle of the room again.

"Well, I hope everyone is ready, because we're starting! I guess it's only fair that I go first. Okay, well, not that long ago, I was on a run and I saw a cat in a tree, and I couldn't save it." Steve says.

"Wait, why not?" Clint asks, "It's a freakin' cat!"

"Because, when I went to go save it the owner, who was a.. young lady started yelling at me, and I felt so horrible that I just couldn't. Also, because she didn't really want my help." Steve says.

"Wow." Stephen says, making sure his sarcasm was obvious, "That was a... A very deep and brooding story."

"Okay, well, who wants to go next?" Steve asks the team, ignoring Stephen's comments.

"You know, I'm sure Tony and Peter would love to share theirs next." Stephen says glancing at the two.

"N-no!" Peter blurts.

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