Seeing Scars

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Stephen's P.O.V.

Soulmates. In this universe, you get yours the day you were born. You don't have a choice in whether or not you get a soulmate. Evryone gets them. What's your choice is if you want to find them. If you want to go out and be with your soulmate.

I never thought about finding my soulmate. I never even wished to find them. But then the scars appeared.

It was scars that seemed to be scratches. They all appeared at once. Across my cheeck, along my arms. Then I felt hot. Like a blast had just formed in front of me. Then for a couple hours, I was okay. Then the next scar that appeared stung.

A circular scar in the middle of my chest. Whoever my soulmate is, must have been in so much pain if even I could feel it. The pain went away after time. But the scar stayed, unlike all the others. It was here, it was here to stay.

Eight months later, Tony stark was saved. Not that long after, he was revealed as Iron-Man. The arc reactor, too, was revealed. A circular maching type thing that powered his armor. That powered him. A circular power source, in the middle of his chest.

Coincidence, probably? I mean what are the chances? There could be no way. And what if I confronted him? He would think me a fool. He might think the scar is fake. After revealing such a big thing, he must be getting hundreds-- Thousands of messages from fans who are saying that they belong together!

So I ignored it.

And then my own scars appeared. They weren't here because my soulmate was hurt. They were here because I was.

I worked so hard on my career. Making sure I could become the best of the best, so I could save the worst of the worst. I guess I was meant to be the Master of the Mystic Arts instead. I guess my hands were never meant to save anyone in ways that others could only dream of.

It all went as usual. Stay at the sanctum, protect it. Study. And did it over again.

Then Tony Stark appeared on camera again. I wasn't paying attention to what it was about, but there was something different that I recognized. Something small, but very distinguishable.

His hands had scars. Just like mine. Exactly like mine.

And at that moment, at that exact moment. I knew who he was to me. I knew he was my soulmate.

Now, whether or not I wanted to confront him was all up to me.

Pros: I would have Tony Stark as my soulmate.

wouldn't have to worry about our lives being so different (we both save and have saved the world)

I wouldn't have to worry about taking care of or protecting my soulmate because I'm sure Tony knows how to protect himself.

Cons: He might think I'm lying
He might hates me
He might not want a soulmate

Who am I kidding? I at least have to try. And if it doesn't worl and he rejects my love? I'd have to continue with life. Alone.

Tony's P.O.V.

"Friday, turn on the news, please?" I ask.

"Sure thing." The t.v. turns on with news.

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