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Stephen's P.O.V.

I walk around fiddling with my fingers. Im waiting for my me roommate to arrive. We met through our friends Pepper and Christine. We're going to help eachother pay rent. I'm here for college and my soon-to-be-roommate said he wanted to get out off his house.

They said it was the Tony Stark.

I take a deep breath and look around, I've cleaned three place up as much as I could and I hope it's to their liking. Oh my god, why am I so nervous?

Knock knock knock

I quickly rush to there for before pausing, I don't want to seem like I'm some fanboy. I wait a couple off serving seconds then open the door.



My nervousness melts away as he starts treating me like we've known eachother for the longest time. I help him carry how bags in and we set then in the living room. I get nervous again, I hope this is good enough.

"Did you decorate it yourself?" Tony smiles softly.

I chuckle lightly, "No, Christine and Pepper helped me get it to your liking. Is it good enough?"

"No, I mean, It's amazing." He says.

I show him the rest of the apartment, the kitchen, the dining room, the bathroom, and lastly, our rooms.

"And each room has their own bathroom and walk in closet." I finish.

"Cool. So, I'm going to unpack. Thanks, again, Stephen." He smiles sweetly and walks into his room closing the door.

I exhale and walk into my room and lay down on the bed. That was an awkward 30 minutes. I decide to sleep it off.

"Ahh- Stephen!"

I shoot awake. I'm covered and tangled up in my covers. I look outside, it's farther than I thought. It's mostly quiet except for the hard pitter-patter of rain. Oh.. I remember the forecast saying there would be a thunderstorm.

Lighting flashes, soon followed by the crackle of lightning.

"Stephen?" A worried Tony calls.

I rub my eyes and walk up to Tony's room. "Tony? What's up, you okay?" I yawn.

I down hear anything until thunder strikes again and then another scream. I take a deep breath and slowly open the door. I peek in.

"Tony, what's wrong?" I ask

"Stephen? I'm sorry. It's just.. The- nevermind, it's stupid." Tony sighs and he curls back under his blankets.

If I was a normal person, I probably would have fine back to my room and fallen asleep. I guess I'm not normal, because I waited further into the room anger shut thedoor behind me.

"Hey, if something is bothering you, you can tell me. Are probably going to brew roomates for a while so we should learn and be able to talk to eachother. Right?" I offer a sweet smile.

Tony peeks up from under his covers. He closed them and takes a deep breath. He then sits up and posts the shot directly next to him. I sit but a little farther then what he motioned to.

"I'm going to sound stupid but... I'm afraid of thunder." Tony sighs.

A low rumble can be geards and Tony looks it the window, very anxiously.

I smile a little, "Tony, that's the farthest thing from stupid."

He doesn't look convinced so I think of a solution.

"Do you want to know what I'm afraid of?" I ask.

Tony finally looks at me, "What is it?"

"Letting people know about my sexuality. I'm gay." I say.

Tony looks intrueged. It looks like he wants to ask me something, "Why not?"

I chuckle a little, "I'm studying to be a neurosurgeon, this is my last year before I can actually be called one. I looked it up, doctors and pretty much anyone in the medical profession whos sexuality is anything other than straight, are frowned upon. They get  ridiculed for it too. Their reputation can't be built as fast because they don't get many clients and one bad review destroys you." I admit.

"Wow..  That's... That's pretty deep... Wanna know something else about me?" Tony says.

I just nod. He takes a deep breath, "I'm bi. Nobody except my parents know because they didn't want their son to be the reason their buisness didn't make it."

We talk for a long time.  We talk till the rain stops. Till I'm laying next to him. Till there are little rays of sunshine peeking through the window, barely illuminating the room.

"Wow, that must be tough. I'm sorry." I say.

"Eh, it really hasn't affected me. It's just because I'm part of a famous family." Tony shrugs.

"Is that part of why you moved out?" I ask, not feeling like I should watch what I'm asking.

Tony nods.

I feel something on my hand and I flinch. I look down and see Tony's hand where mine was. I can sense him tense up, regretting his decision. I take a deep breath and go for it. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers.

I don't regret this. Me and Tony turn on our sides and face eachother.

"This has been nice, Stephen." He smiles.

I can't help but smile back, "Yeah. It has, Tony."

I can tell he's thinking about something.

"Hey.. Can I take a nap? We've been talking all night." He yawns.

I smile, "Sure." I get up and start walking, he's holding my hand and stoppong me from moving.

"Let me refrase that; Can we take a nap."

"Oh," I smile sweetly, "That's even better."

I crawl back next to him, he curls next to me. I lay my head against his shoulder. I fall asleep to the the rhythm of his breathing.


Soo, I made it home safely Sunday but so I was super tired, then I had school the next day. I've been feeling a little stressed lately but writing these stories help me so much. Thank you for even reading them. Also, if there is any spelling mistakes, I'm sorry. This was kinda rushed and poorly edited because I didn't have much time, but I hope you enjoyed anyways.

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