Baby Tony

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Stephen's P.O.V.

"Tony! Watch out!" Wong yells.

I watch as Tony gets hit by a beam from out current enemy, a lady with four arms and crazy magical powers. He tries to dodge but fails miserably, and after the hit, he suddenly starts falling. I start freaking out and chase him, barely grabbing him before he hits the ground.

I land us on the ground gently, doing my best to handle the armer.

"Tony? Tony? You okay?" I ask as I lay him on the ground. I don't get an answer- but I hear crying?

"F-friday? Can you hear me? Can you open the suit up?" I talk to the suit's face.

She doesn't respond verbally, but she does open up the armor.. She doesn't open the faceplate like I suspect though. The whole suit opens and reveals.


Small toddler. Maybe a year or so old?

It's asleep, but I'm guessing it's Tony. I look up at Wong, about to inform about what happened, but I see him already on his way down, our enemy gone already.

"Is he okay?" Wong asks, walking up to us, "-Oh"

"He'll be okay, right? We can find something?" I ask, somewhat nervous.

"Yes, he should be fine. Maybe. Let's take him to the sanctum, and we can figure this out." Wong says.

"Okay, I-I'll get him." I wipe a tear I hadn't even realized had fallen down my face.

I grab Tony and his shirt, that unfortunately didn't stay on him. I pulled the shirt over him, making sure his head and arms were out. As I lift him up, he wakes up, and smiles at me.

I wonder if he thinks as an adult or as what his age's mindset is. However he's thinking , he doesn't stop looking at me, even once we get to the sanctum. He grabs my hand, and holds on tight, inspecting them closely. I put him on the floor, hoping he doesn't go anywhere. Can he even walk?

"We'll have to do some research. I'm not exactly sure with what we're working with." Wong says as he starts making a portal.

I stand up to go with him, but before I walk through after him, he stops me.

"Where do you think you are headed?"

"With you?" I say, confused.

He laughs briefly, "No, you're on babysitting duty."

I look back at baby Tony. He's just sitting, staring at us. "I.. Don't know if I should."

"Why not?" Wong asks.

"I dunno. Why can't he come with?" I ask.

"No, he can't go where we're- where I am going." Wong says, stepping fully into the portal. "Have fun!" He calls before closing it.

"Wait!" I don't know if he hears me, but either way he's not going to wait.

I look back to baby Tony. He smiles at me, and reaches out for me. I smile nervously at him. I walk over and bend down, picking him up gently.

"So.. Tony.. I guess it's just you and me." I say.

I walk to my room and sit on my bed, putting Tony on my lap with him facing me. He keeps staring at me, sometimes smiling.

"What, why do you keep looking at me."

I only get a little giggle and a smile in response.

"I wish you could talk." I sigh, "Then maybe babysitting wouldn't be to horrible."

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