Highschool Parties

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Highschool au

I know everyone was so excited to find Peter read a Highschool AU of Ironstrange so I decided to make one..? Might make a part two? Depends on if you like how the story goes.

Okay enjoy.

Tony's P.O.V.

"C'mon Tony, will it really kill you?" Pepper asks me.

I look her dead in the eye, "Yes, actually, it will."

She scoffs and rolls her eyes, "Oh please, you're always so dramatic and extra."

"Oh, but what else could I be?" I smile at her.

She shoves my face gently and I can't help but laugh.

"So why don't you want to go? This is supposed to be a really big party, everyone's expecting you to go!" Pepper shakes my shoulder.

"Pep, please, that's the whole reason why I don't want to go! Everyone wants me there, expecting me to show up, and that'd be okay if everyone didn't want something from me. Girls want me because they think that if they get me, that they can take advantage of me. I just, really don't want that. And guys are ten times worse. They're all bad, except you." I tell her.

"I know, and I'm sorry for that. But you know, you could actually benifit from this party, and, ya'know, get something for once?" She stands in front of me, causing us to both stop walking.

"What could I possibly get from this party?" I ask her.

"More like someone!" She gives me that evil smile, "I heard Stephen Strange might go!"

"Pepper!" I shove her forward and we start walking again with a faster pace.

"Wow Tones, I didn't know it was possible to blush that much!" She can't help but laugh.

I touch my cheecks, they feel warm. Pepper knew things and sometimes, I didn't like it. I guess that's a problem with best friends, they know everything about you.

"Pepper, you better shush yourself, someone might hear you!" I say quietly.

"Oh Tony please, everyone knows you're bi." Pepper rolls her eyes.

I scoff, "Yeah, but they definitely don't need to know who it is that I like!"

"Tony, we're walking home on an empty street. It wouldn't matter if I yelled it as loud as I can!"


"Here! I'll show you!"

She takes a deep breath.

"Tony Stark is in love with St-"

I put my hand on her mouth.

"What did I say-" I feel something wet and warm against my hand.

"Ew! Did you just lick me? You're gross!" I yell.

She giggles, "Aww, you know you love me!"

I smile, "Unfortunately I do."

"Okay, so, I'll pick you up in a few hours!" Pepper says as we reach her house.

"Wait! I never agreed to this!" I yell as she runs up her driveway.

"Too late to back out!" She yells before closing the door.

I groan and let my arms fall to their side. This was the the only downside to having Pepper Potts as a friend, she never takes no as an answer.

"What do I wear to a party that I don't want to go to, but have to anyways because the crush I've had on for almost three years now is going to be there, and my best friend is also forcing me to go?" I ask myself.

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