One Bed

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3rd Person's P.O.V.

"Are we there yet?" Tony whined.

"No. Just a few more minutes." Bruce answered.

Tony groaned and checked the time. "You said that five minutes ago."

"Tony, suck it up. This is a vaccation, we're trying to relax and we can't do that if you're whining like a little kid." Nat said coldly.

Tony just crossed his arms and glared at Peter as the kid tried not to laugh.
He looked at his friends. Nat was on her phone. Bruce was reading a book. Peter was listening to his music. Vison was talking with Wanda. Steve was talking with Bucky. Stephen was also reading a book, but the cover had some different language on it, one Tony couldn't recognize.

He sighed and looked out the limo. Fields of lush green grass spread as far as the eye could see. It was peacfull, watching the wind create ripples in the grass, like the sea. The sun was close to setting, just barely illuminating the area around them. The group had taken a plane to somewhere (Nat wouldn't tell them where [also I'm lazy so use your imagination mk?]). Then after the plane, they had to drive for about an hour to the home she rented.

"Look! There it is!" Peter exclaimed.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked out the windows, including Tony. In the distance they saw a building, deffinetly not as grand as the compound, Tony thought, but it would do.

"Now we have to remember we're renting the place," Nat said with her mom voice, "Take care of the stuff, they said not to go into the basement, and we are able to use the pool, and there's one blow-up matress, if needed."

"Okay, mom," Tony mocked and laughed, "So where is everyone sleeping anyway?"

Nat gave Tony a look and sighed, "There's enough rooms for all of us... Let me check the note she sent me..." Her face faltered. "There's only five rooms."

Everyone looked around, double checking how many people people were actually there. There were eight of them.

"So what are we going to do?" Bruce asked.

Nat tapped her chin, thinking. An idea popped into her head but she wasn't sure if everyone would be okay with the idea.

"Okay, hear me out everyone, I have an idea. We could partner up and share rooms." Nat shrugged.

No one said 'no' so she took that as a yes.

"Okay, so we have obviously have a problem, one of us will have our own room." Steve said.

"Which should, obviously, go to me." Tony stated.

Everyone frowned at him and Nat spoke up, "I'll get the room, I was the one who got us here."

"Me and Vision will stay in one." Wanda said.

"I'll stay with Bucky." Steve said.

"Oh, can I stay with Dr. Banner?" Peter raised his hand.

"Uhh, sure, Pete. Stephen, I'm sorry but I guess you're stuck with Tony." Nat said.

Tony looked across the limo and met eyes with Stephen. The taller man smiled sweetly, "Don't worry, we'll make it work" Everyone looked between the two, as Stephen just continued to read his book.

(: Time Skip :)

"Alright guys, go and find you rooms." Nat said.

The pairs all went their own ways to their rooms.  The last two to get their rooms were Stephen and Tony. When they walked in they dropped their stuff before realizing a problem. There was only one bed. While Stephen started to unpack, Tony walked into Nat's room.

"Hey, uh, Nat?" Tony scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah?" Nat answered.

"Our room only has one bed."

Nat looked up with a smile. "Tony, everyone has one bed. Well, Bruce and Peter asked for the blow-up matress but everyone else is fine with one bed because they're all a thing."

"So, is there another blow-up matress I could use?"

"No, I didn't see any other one. Sorry Tony, guess you guys will have to share."

Tony huffed and walked back to this room and opened the closed door. He walked in, closed the door behind him and then saw Stephen only in his boxers. He quickly turned around, hiding the dark red that crawled across his face.

"I-I'm so sorry Stephen- I didn't," Tony clears his throat. "I didn't think you were-"

"It's fine, Tony." There was a pause, "You can turn around now."

Tony reluctantly turned. He saw Stephen half dressed. He wasn't putting on a shirt. Tony tried his best to ignore Stephen's body.

"I uh, asked Nat and there aren't anymore blow-up matresses. Pete and Bruce took the only one." Tony said.

Stephen sat on the bed, facing away from Tony. He put a hand on the bed.

"That's okay. I don't mind sharing."

Tony froze.

"Are you going to bed or staying up for a while." Stephen turned to face Tony.

"I thing I'm gonna go to bed. Road trips always tire me out." Tony stretched.

Stephen just nodded and layed down, snuggling under the blankets. Tony started to take off his shirt but stopped halfway. Would it be weird for both of them to be shirtless in the same bed? Nah.

Tony climbed into the bed and made sure he was facing away from Stephen. Tony relaxed.

This is fine. Everything is fine. Tony thought. What was I freaking out about? Everything is just fine.

Tony smiled to himself and closed his eyes. After a few minutes he finally felt like he was about to fall asleep. But then he tensed and his eyes shot wide open. What was touching his ribs?

Carefully and slowly he reached his hand out and touched around the area until he felt it. A hand. Stephen's hand. Who else's hand could that be?

Tony couldn't think of what to do. Was Stephen awake? Should he wake him up? Should he get up? Should he stay? Should he ignore it?

"Stephen?" Tony whispered, he himself could barely hear it.

After no response, he said his name again, a little louder. No reponse, again. After another try he gave up. This wasn't so bad it was just-

What's he doing?! His hand- Oh-okay he needs to-- Tony's mind was racing when he felt Stephen's hand start to move.

But it didn't move away. It was moving down to his stomach. And then- his other hand? It went under Tony, encasing him what seemed like a hug.

Tony was handling this decently. That is, until he felt Stephen press up against him and burried his face into Tony's neck. They're spooning.

Oh my god. What do I do? As much as I like it, no. What if he wakes up and finds himself like this? He'll blame me and then hate me forever.

"Hey, Tony?" Stephen whispered.

Tony's face goes dark with red and talks as quietly as he can, "Yeah, Stephen?"

"I like you as a little spoon."

Tony seemed shocked at the response.

"Me too."

He was even more shocked at his own response. He quickle got over it as he fell asleep, happy to be the little spoon.

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