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3rd Person's P.O.V.

"Stephen? It's me.. Uh, again... Me and Peter- Me, Peter and everyone else is worried. Look, I'm sorry we fought, I was just caught up in anger. If you get the chance, call me back. Bye." Tony says says into the phone.


"Hi Stephen. Everyone's wondering where you are. Please pick up the phone... We're worried about you. Call me back... Bye." Tony sighs.


"Oh my god," Tony sniffles, fighting back the tears, "Stephen we saw the news... Are you okay? I wish you would answer... Please answer? We're- I'm worried. I hope you're safe. We all do."


"Stephen, it's been a couple days... I miss you so much. Everyone does but... They didn't know you like I did. We had so many good times. I wish I knew how you were doing. I l- I hope to see you soon. Bye." Tony runs his hands through his hair and lays back down. He can't fall asleep, not with Stephen on his mind.


"Stephen.. I can't take this anymore. I can't take not knowing if you're okay, if your alive, if your getting these, if your ignoring me. I want to feel you... Touch you... Prove me wrong that you gone. It's difficult. It's so difficult. I wish I could see you. Hear you. Anything. Please- please call me back. I miss you so much. Bye." Tony hold back the tears.


"Stephen, it's been a month since the accident. We've been told that you ran away. Dissintegrated. Died. That you're being chased by police. All of them are rumors. I don't know what to believe. All I know is that I miss you so, so much. Everyone does, but I do more. I miss you, ill try again later, bye." Tony rubs his eyes, tiredness overtaking his body.


"Hello? This is uh.. Parker. Peter, Parker. My dad- Tony is struggling. He's been drinking and- Mr. Strange, we need you... He needs you. It's been about two months and I know he calls you every night. I know you never pick up. If you could just send a text, anything, it would help everyone, especially him. Tony needs you. Bye." Peter sighs and looks at his father, sleeping, or passed out on the couch.


"Stephen. It's been four months. I'm sure you've noticed I've only been calling once a week. I haven't given up hope. I know you're okay. I can somehow feel it. I want to thank you, letting me rant to you. I don't even know if you get these. I- I have to go but... I love you. And miss you. Bye." Tony hangs up, talking to whoever has helped him, it's almost therapeutic. It's easier on him.


"Half a year, six months. Stephen, where are you? It kills me every day not knowing. I just want to cry, and scream until my lungs burst. Stephen, I loved- no- I love you so much. I just need a sign, anything to know you're okay. I'll call again next week. I love you."


"Stephen. The funniest thing happened the other day. I caught Peter messing around with someone. The guy calls himself 'Deadpool' and an 'Anti-hero'. I thought it was horrible, I mean, the guy kills people for money. I told Pete I'd maybe- Hold on Stephen, there's an alert. Gotta be a hero, bye, love you."

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