Shorts: Pt 1 (maybe?)

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Based off of a bunch of stuff I found on Tumblr
Credits to: cream-cheese-and-bagels

"Hey, you know this would be a lot more fun if you could just move faster.." Stephen grumbles.

Tony sighs with frustration, "Well, with you on top of me it's a little bit difficult! I'm not used to being under you like this!"

Rhodes rolls his eyes at the two. They've been bickering all night. "This isn't fun anymore. Stephen, left foot red."

Stephen follows the directions and moves his left foot on a red circle. After a few rounds Tony and Stephen find themselves in a awkward position.

Stephen is directly underneath Tony's crotch.

"Well, this isn't the first time."

"I DON'T NEED TO KNOW THIS!" Rhodey yells.

In the back everyone can hear and see Peter jumping with joy, squealing in the background.


Stephen's Phone:

Tony💕: hey Stephen

Tony:💕: mister doctor xoxo

Tony, what do you need?

It's 1:15 in the morning

Tony💕: i have a very important question

And that is..?

Tony💕: what if the g in gif is silent?

Go the fuck to sleep


Tony💕: what gif i dont want to

Read at 1:19 am


"Hey, Peter?" Tony asks.

"Yeah Mr. Stark?" Peter looks up from his phone.

"I'm thirsty, can you get me something to drink?"

Peter nods, "Yeah sure."

Peter walks off to the kitchen, Tony presumes. When he walks back he's holding a mug and some type of paper.
Instead of handing the mug to Tony, Peter hands him the paper. Which isn't just a paper, it's a picture of Stephen.

"Uh, Peter?" Tony asks as Peter sits down.

"Yeah, Mr. Stark?" Peter responds non-chalant.

"This is a picture of Stephen."

Peter just sits back in his seat and sips his tea.

"How did you know?"

Peter continues to sip his tea.


Tony rolls over next to Stephen in bed.

"Can you feeel the looove toniiight?" Tony sings softly.

Stephen rubs his eyes, slightly annoyed and checks the time.

"CAN YOU LOOK AT THE FUCKING TIME?" Stephen sings back, pointing the clock which reads: 3:25.

"But I can't sleep." Tony pouts.

Stephen motions for Tony to scoot closer, he happily obliges.

"Just- shhh and try to sleep." Stephen says.

Tony nods and cuddles against his boyfriends chest. He falls asleep shortly after, saving himself and Stephen from another sleepless night.


Stephen looks up from his book and looks at Tony. He's tinkering on something in the lab.

"Hey, Tony?" Stephen asks.

Tony looks up from his work, "Hey, Stephen."

"Would you die for me?" Stephen asks.

Tony, as quickly as he can says, "That isn't an option, I will die for you."

Stephen looks at Tony like he's crazy, "H-hold on a second-"


"You ever stare at someone but then you realize that you've been staring at them for too long and try to look away but right before you look away that person catches eye contact with you?" Tony sighs happily

Stephen gives him an odd look, "Tony, we've been ogling each other for about  a half an hour now.


"Hey, Stephen?" Tony gets his attention.

"Yes, Tony?" Stephen responds, not bothering to look up from his book.

"Do you ever wonder what your crush is thinking about?" Tony asks.

"Hmm..." Stephen hums in response. He had before, but what was Tony trying to get at?

Before Stephen responds, Tony answers his own question," I know what mine's thinking about! They're thinking about the question I just asked them!"

"But wait, that's m-"

Tony grasps Stephen's shoulders, "Exactly, go out on a date with me, Stephen.

(Okay, so I don't exactly remember how that one ended so I just ended like that)


Peter was looking looking at his father. Something was racing in his mind that he just had to find out.

"Hey Dad, serious question; are you a big soon or a little spoon?" He asks.

Tony gives him a confused look, then his face also turns serious, "I'm a knife."

Suddenly, out of nowhere Stephen yells, "He's the little spoon!"


I just wrote these shorts for this because I'm on vacation and I didn't really feel like coming up with, writing, and editing a full oneshot. Again, thank you to cream-cheese-and-bagels on Tumblr for all the amazing ideas!

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