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WARNING*** SMUT CONTENT. Proceed with discretion!

WARNING! 18+ contain smut, assault (I warned you so don't come at me and preached later. Its just fictional please remember that. I understand what consent is and I have a reason for this. But of course some of us don't care and will proceed to criticize me later. So save your comment to yourself and silently stop reading)

Peeling away the outer black robe and the inner robe, Li Xi Rui comes into contact with the bare skin of that man. She traces her index finger on his abs.

"So firm. I wonder if the rest of you also feels wonderful", she murmured. At this point she didn't realize she is like a wolf taking advantage on a poor maiden.

She stares at the man's neck. She has the urge to taste that part. So she licked the man's neck.

"A bit salty", she frowned but she couldn't stop herself from continuing to suck on that neck.

"Ummmmnnn...", she moans. She never thought other human skin will taste this wonderful albeit she has 2 traumatic incidents with men. Feeling the neck is not enough to satisfy her, she started to lick the man's body. From the chest to the belly till she comes into contact with that man's trousers.

"This is in the way....", she mumbles. Struggling to take off that piece of clothing, she couldn't take it anymore. Fumbling for something to cut that trousers, she found a dagger inside the man's boot. So she started to cut the said man's clothes till he is in his birthday suit.

Dazed at the view in front of her, she takes her dress off. With her naked, she climbs on the bed.

"What is this thing?", Li Xi Rui looks at the thing protruding under the man's belly. She touches the cylindrical thing, then she gripped that thing. Then it twitches.

"It's twitching... ", Li Xi Rui is in awe. So she grips it tighter and it swells more. Feeling hotter than before, Li Xi Rui feels unsatisfied. It's like something burn inside her body craving to be touched. Moving restlessly, her hand slips making up and down movements on that organ. While she didn't realize what happened, that organ swells and become bigger and her fingers couldn't completely wrap it anymore.

"Ah... why does it getting bigger? Where is this fluid coming from? Its making my hand slippery", she doesn't want to let go of the said organ. Looking down, she has the urge to lick it.

"If I just licked it clean it should be fine right?", she questions herself. So she licks the leaking pre cum.

"Why there's more coming out?", she starts sucking the head. After a while she stops. "It's hot! Ummmmmnnn...", she didn't know what to do to relieve the heat inside her. Growing up sheltered, with no friends apart from the naive Xiao Xi, it couldn't be help if she is ignorant. While she lives for 2 lifetimes, she never has any experience about boudoir matters.

She trails her other hand on her body while the other hand still on the man's body. Groping herself, she starts experimenting herself. Still feeling unsatisfied, she squirmed herself while hugging the man. Moving her hips, she humps her hips on the man's body.

Although she felt a bit of relieved but it still doesn't douse her fire. And looking at that pair of pink lips, she lies on top of the man with her hips on his belly, she kissed that lips. While doing that, she didn't cease her humping motion. Straddling and humping the man's lower region while kissing seems to alleviate some of her fever.


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