155. The Female General

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"General, the man regain consciousness!", a soldier reports to the female general.

"En, let's meet him!", with a straight pose, the female general walk to a brightly lit camp.

When she wanted to step into the camp, suddenly, a figure is dashing passed her and the soldier. "Hold on!", the female general tried to catch the man.

"I said wait!!!", the man hasn't stop running. 'That man should have been seriously injured, but why doesn't it seems so?', Murong An questioned. "Catch him!", she ordered her soldiers to catch that runner. She just wanted to ask him what happened to him before he collapse. Then, why was he running away?

After two sichen passed, finally the man collapse on the ground. The soldiers have been running around the campground trying to catch him. But when they nearly catch him, he managed to slip away. It was a very frustrated game of catch and chase. Nevertheless, a human is just still a human after all, after using too much energy upon waking up, that man finally collapse.

"Bring him inside the camp and summon the army doctor!", Murong An couldn't help but feeling very intrigued at the man. This is the first time she had seen such a man. Even she, a general would not be able to rival that energy the man displayed.

Inside the tent, the army doctor has been intently examining the fainted man.

"How is he?", Murong An asked the middle aged physician.

"He depleted his energy so he is just resting and will regain consciousness in a few sichen. I heard he run around the camp once he opened his eyes? Was that true?", the physician asked Murong An. His brows knitted with contemplations.

"Yes, that man suddenly woke up and run around the perimeter. It was even harder to catch him", Murong An nodded.

"Is that so? Then, this time, it should be the same. If General wanted to have a conversation with this man, you should tie him securely before he wakes up. He would probably run away again", the physician offered his an advice.

"Thanks for the advice, I will surely take it to heart", Murong An once again nodded.

Murong An is the only female general in Qi kingdom. She rose to her position with nothing but solely herself. Apart from abilities, no one could find fault with her due to her humbleness and politeness. She wouldn't hesitate to take advice from another person as any other general in her position would usually do. She doesn't have that same arrogant countenance as other general might have. She remained polite and would take other people point of view in her decision. While taking that into account, once she made a decision, rarely anyone could find fault in her strategy. In the battlefield, she is as ruthless as a tiger ripping her enemy's flesh and killing them with a single blow, making her a very frightening individual. All in all, she is a one of a kind general and loyal to the imperial family.

After the physician left the tent, Murong An looked at the lying figure. She have never seen such a man before; he was like a headless chicken running around the camp. Her soldiers couldn't even catch him. "Tie him up!", ordered Murong An. "Don't let him run away again!", said Murong An before leaving the tent.



"Mr. Mu, are you inside?", QiQi knocked on Mu Gu Heng's door. Mu Gu Heng has chosen a very remote courtyard to reside in for the night.

*Creak* the door slowly opens revealing a man with a slight smile on his lips.

"Mr. Mu, could we perhaps talk?", QiQi wait for Mu Gu Heng's replies.

"En, let's talk at the front garden", Mu Gu Heng walk to the stone bench and sit. The 'garden' didn't seem like a garden at all. It is more like an abandon field of grass.

"Mr. Mu, I wanted to talk about your perception of the madam", QiQi starts the conversation. "While its impolite to discuss about the madam, but it is even disheartening if one is to misunderstood the madam", said QiQi.

"She is indeed different", Mu Gu Heng smiles.

QiQi grimaced. Usually when someone said that the madam is different, it would mean that Li Xi Rui is not an agreeable person. QiQi feels the need to stand up for her madam, "Madam is a very kind lady, she might say something different than what her heart meant every now and then but there usually there will be reasons behind her action". QiQi didn't want her madam to be painted as a vicious lady.

Mu Gu Heng didn't say anything but only look at QiQi.

"This is true! Far apart from a certain someone who displayed her kindness but never sincere, Madam has always do good deeds without wanting any praise!", QiQi is agitated after seeing that Mu Gu Heng didn't seem interested in looking beyond the madam's high wall.

"Why does it matter anyway?", Mu Gu Heng probes.

"Because the madam is hurting inside. I don't want her hurt anymore than she already is. Mr. Mu, your opinion might not matter for someone who is truly vicious, but it's different for the madam. She needs support but I am unable to do it by myself!", QiQi is on the verge of tears. She is not a strong pillar for the madam to hold onto. She is just a weak girl.

"Don't cry. What should I do if you cry?", Mu Gu Heng has always dislike tears on a woman.

"Sorry, but hear me out. If the madam wanted to do something, please offer your hand. We will be unable to stray away from the madam but I trust you Mr. Mu, so would you please help the madam?", QiQi sniffles.

"Would you stop crying once I agree?", Mu Gu Heng asked. If it could stop that tear, he would promise anything. Just because he hated tears so much.

"Yes...", QiQi replied. Who would think that tears would be very  effective against a man?

"Then I promise. Now stop those tears", Mu Gu Heng stared at the young innocent woman in front of him.

After sniffling some more, QiQi stands up and left Mu Gu Heng at the stone bench. Mu Gu Heng sat still at the bench for a while after that in complete silence. No one know what he is thinking about.

Meanwhile, QiQi stepped into Li Xi Rui's room and reported, "Madam, Mr. Mu has already agreed".

"En", Li Xi Rui patted the place beside her indicating for QiQi to sit down besides her.

"Madam, I am sorry for blindly helping other people. I did something troublesome", QiQi asked for forgiveness. Helping people in need is something she as a doctor takes pride on. So after seeing an injured man, her mind could do nothing but wanting to help.

"Indeed. That is true. Helping him and bringing him along has been troublesome for us. Not only we must hide our identity, but our journey has been delayed as well", said Li Xi Rui nonchalantly. "But it's true as well that helping people in need is a wonderful thing. And I don't want you to change who you are QiQi", Li Xi Rui also understand that QiQi is a kind young lady. Who is she to change the kind QiQi? This is the QiQi that she cares about. So changing her is not an option.

"Madam...", QiQi is touched by the madam's thoughtfulness. She is supposed to support the madam, but now not only QiQi brings trouble to Li Xi Rui but she is also been consoled by her.

"Don't cry. Now, we must prepare for tomorrow. At last we could leave that man", Li Xi Rui finally feel relieved. She didn't have the best of opinion towards Mr. Mu. The only reason she tolerated that man is because of QiQi. Now, even QiQi could see the trouble the man has bring. Eventually, everything would be exposed if he keeps on staying besides them. So it's best to ditch him somewhere.

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