170.Two Princess Consort; Two Different Lives

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In the dim tent, the small figure of a woman in a man's clothing could lightly be seen walking back and forth. If one could see this situation, one could detect the concealed feeling of this lady.

'Jian Yu, why is he here?', after all the commotion, Mu Jiu Jiu has been escorted to her tent and after calming down, she realized that Wu Jian Yu is not supposed to be in the Qi camp ground. 'Is he here because of me?', Mu Jiu Jiu have doubt. She hadn't meet him since the day he said that he never loves her. 'Did he realized that he actually loves me?', Mu Jiu Jiu couldn't fathom what is actually in Wu Jian Yu's mind.

'But our child...', Mu Jiu Jiu remembered her child; the child he didn't want, the child she aborted. If Jian Yu is really here for her, and if her child is still alive, then she could become happy. A happy person; A happy life; that's what she wants.

Yes, deep down, looking at Li Xi Rui's big belly, she is jealous. She had thought that after her marriage with Long Qing, she could easily conceive again; filling up the void in her belly; in her heart. But after so long, there is no good news. She desperately hanging on, forcing herself to be very enthusiast, giving her body every night, being tossed around for the mere thought of a child.

But nothing.

She couldn't conceive easily. Her body have been hurt by the wretched procedure performed on her. The lady who had done that to her body has been deal with.

But nothing could replace her longing for a child; for a happy family.

She wanted to be happy.

Now, she wasn't one; a happy person. That seems to be out of her reach.

Sometimes we longed for the stars; for the moon. We imagined our life would be complete and meaningful for something that is out of our reach. But if we just stop walking; stop reaching for a while, there might have been someone who wanted to catch that hand. Or maybe, that someone has already grasp that lonely hand. We just never realized it.

Mu Jiu Jiu never have that someone. She never stops reaching, grasping something that wasn't hers. She thought that her life was miserable enough, that she never been happy. But still, she never stops even once. How would she know that she never been given a chance to become happy?

For Mu Jiu Jiu, Wu Jian Yu is that brilliant star. At one point, she had grasp it tightly but in the end it slipped. Taking away her heart with its existence.

"Jian Yu, are you there? Did you come to take me away? Jian Yu, I am miserable...", Mu Jiu Jiu whispered softly, afraid that the guards could hear her words.

Silent. In the tent, only a soft breath of a woman could be heard.

"Jian Yu, I am willing to go with you", she could abandon everything if only he will take her back. Even though she knew that he threw her away when doesn't need her. It's because she is still in love with him.

Even though he doesn't share that same sentiment.


At a place where people barely passed, a man and a woman confront each other. The mood is something one couldn't decipher.

"I'm sorry", though her mouth is saying sorry, her heart wasn't feeling too guilty.

"Why are you sorry? Are you regretting marrying Jie?!", Long Qing's complicated feeling instantly turns happy. If Li Xi Rui could accept him, he would do anything to get her back.

"No. I'm sorry for making you wear a green hat while we're still engaged", ignoring the fluctuation of his mood, Li Xi Rui keep on speaking nonchalantly. Her demeanor elegant, her face without emotion, but her words are just like knife; cutting through her enemy's heart layer by layer.

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