130. It's Not Worth The Candle

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"Master, the madam's pregnancy is alright. There is nothing wrong. It might be a false alarm", said QiQi respectfully.

"See, I told you. I am fine", Li Xi Rui told Long Jie. After she left Mu Jiu Jiu, Long Jie come to her room with QiQi on tow. QiQi was supposed to return to her brother's house today. So, it seems that Long Jie had fetch QiQi to check on her.

"We couldn't be too careless now", said Long Jie rather stoically. How could he ignored the blood stained dress he saw? Honestly, she is asking too much from him.

Li Xi Rui couldn't get used to this kind of Long Jie. Usually he would show a hint of gentleness in everything he does. "Are you really worried about me? About us?", asked Li Xi Rui hesitantly. Li Xi Rui always say that Long Jie is an upright person, but does she really understand him? In matter about her own heart, she couldn't seem to understand herself.

Long Jie looked at the lady in front of him. He raised his hand and tell everyone else to leave them.

Sighing, he sat on the bed, "Xi-er, could you be honest with me?". It is now or never. He decided to ask her what he most afraid of; what he always put at the back of his mind.

Li Xi Rui nodded her head, maybe it's time to come clean.

Holding her hand, slowly he asks, "Are you still in love with Long Qing?". His heart quickened. Maybe, even Li Xi Rui could hear the sound.

She smiles. Is this what was Long Jie has been worried about? How could he be...

so cute?

Smirking, she said, "I am a possessive person. I wouldn't want a dirty man staining my hand".

Long Jie releases her hand.

Li Xi Rui frowns, "What are you doing?".

"I don't want to dirty your hand", said Long Jie. Li Xi Rui almost couldn't hear his words.

Black lines appear on her head, 'When did she say that?'. "I mean; I don't like him. He has that Mu Jiu Jiu, so why would I compete with her? If he didn't like me, then why should I waste my time with him? I am not stupid enough to do that!", Li Xi Rui cleared the misunderstanding. She had enough of everyone mistaking her big heart. Big enough to accommodate a disloyal person. "So stop asking me about that person. I didn't like him, not now and not in the future!", she really had enough.

Finally, Long Jie smiles. "If Xi-er already said so, then it must be true", said Long Jie. Who would not feel happy when this is what he always hoped for?

"As for you, did you remember what I've said before we got married? I said that i as long as we are husband and wife, you could forget about getting another woman into your household. Did you remember?", Li Xi Rui didn't waste time to remind her husband her rules.

"En. Of course I remember", Long Jie is lost in happiness so he replied in honesty.

"It's good that you remembered. Now, if you have someone that you like, you have to wait for the next lifetime for you to be together. I wouldn't want my child to be fatherless if he decided to cheat!", warned Li Xi Rui. Li Xi Rui has just threatened the Qilin sect master. It's enough for her to put on a big green hat for one time, she wouldn't want to wear it again the second time.

Long Jie couldn't help but embracing his wife. Doesn't it mean that Li Xi Rui would be his in this life? At that time, all other matter is insignificant for him. Finally, she is his. It will not be long before he could have her heart too. He is confident.

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