27.Love and hate go hand in hand.

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This chapter is dedicated to @Hainain..

That night at Jian Palace~

"Master!", Jie san greeted Long Jie.

"Report!", ordered Long Jie as he read some scrolls on his desk.

"Master, Miss Li asked me to investigate a future event. She said she didn't know who, why and what, but she is sure a robbery in her house might occur in a few days", Jie San said. This Jie San is none other than Mr. Mask.

Long Jie looked at Jie San, " Jie San, investigate properly and do what she told you to do".

"Yes master", Jie San is gone as fast as the wind.

"Jie Yi!", Long jie called.

"Master!", Jie Yi came.

"Surround the Li household and send guards to protect them secretly. Remember no error is permitted!", Long Jie warned the chief shadow guard.

"Yes master!", he disappeared.

"Xi Rui, I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Mark my words", Long Jie swears.

"Oh my!! What an ambition!", Rui Sheng made his way into the study.

"Sheng! You're still here?", Long Jie is not happy. This cousin of his should be back at the Qilin Sect HQ. If they are not there, who will make important decision if an emergency occurred?

"They could've just send letters. Say, Jie about Mu Jiu Jiu...", Rui Sheng said as he reached for the pot of tea in front of them.

Snatching the tea pot, Long Jie said, "She? That woman didn't want to go if I'm not the one escorting. She didn't believe anyone else's ability".

"Well, well, it seems like this time around, there will be some changes in her fate", Rui sheng eyed the chrysanthemum tea. Rui Sheng is curious what will happen to Li Xi Rui this time around. Will she die again? Will Long Jie be lonely again? 'Curiousity killed the cat', he thought. So he will be waiting to see what will happen later on.

"If her fate changed, it's on her", Long Jie thought Rui Sheng is talking about Mu Jiu Jiu's fate. "And this tea is off limits! I'll compensate with the Vermilion's Cry later", he had rather parted with his sword than Li Xi Rui's tea.

Getting up, Rui Sheng walked to the door and said, "Send it to my room". Vermilion's Cry is a red color sword which had been created by the Vermilion bird's feather. It is fiery in nature and has high spiritual power. Any tea is not as worthy as the sword.

After Rui Sheng is no longer seen, Long Jie look at the tea in his hand. He knew he had been contradicting himself. He said he hated her high and mighty attitude, but now he wanted to hit himself for Li Xi Rui's changes. Sometimes when he looked at her, he could only see the dead look in her eyes. Breaking them up is partly his fault. But his brother seems to fall for Mu Jiu Jiu after spending 3 years together. At first, he wanted to compensate Li Xi Rui by finding her a much more suitable man, but after seeing how heart broken she is, suddenly he feels guilty.

He still remembered the first time he met her. She had been arguing with another young miss. He hated women who can't conduct themselves in public. That time there were two ladies physically abusing each other, but his eyes had been drawn to Li Xi Rui. From that day onward, he noticed everything she had done and heard every gossips regarding her. So, he hated her more than the other women. What he didn't noticed is how he put more attention to Li xi Rui than the other.

"Jie, love and hate go hand in hand. There's a fine line between love and hate. You hate just as much as you love her", Long Jie remembered what Rui Sheng had said to him.

True he remembers all her misdeed while he usually wouldn't have remembered what other women did. He really is slow in recognizing his heart. But now with Rui Sheng's help, he realized he has long fell in love with her. It might be love at the first sight. It might also be why he was eager to separate Li Xi Rui and his brother. He realized, he had been jealous when Li Xi Rui showered his brother with affection while the latter rarely reciprocate.

"I really am an idiot", he muttered to himself.

Bickering with her is more enjoyable than that fake smile she gave him now. Dropping the pot on the table, Long Jie decided to see her on a whim. After donning a black robe, he flew from his window into the night.

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