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Alone in her room, Li Xi Rui sit on her bed. She recalls back to what her father had said after Long Jie left.

“As your father, I hope Xi-er and Mu Han wouldn’t interfere in this matter. Just let it be. It is not our place to influence the emperor’s decision”, the left prime minister had said.

Li Xi Rui had wanted to cry. To wept for her father. For what would follow after. Even her reunion with her brother is shrouded in sadness. What could she do? She had asked her father, “Father, are you going to be okay?”. She is worried for her father’s well-being.

“I will be. I have my wife and children with me. What’s more should I ask for?”, the left prime minister smiled. The face may have shown a smile, but it also shown signs of aging.

Li Xi Rui had thought, ‘when did father become this old?’. Is it because he was worry? Or is it just that she didn’t realized it? “I understand, father, Li Xi Rui had said. Her brother just kept quiet.

After returning to her own room, Li Xi Rui had locked herself in her room. She didn’t want to see anyone. She is just too bitter. Would they really couldn’t escape their fate? The face of her old father, her mother and brother appear in her mind. In the first life, their lifeless body without movement had scared her. The bodies are too real that she feels like it was just yesterday. It was just yesterday her mother’s body hanging with her eyes open, her tongue is out, and her neck bloody with scratch marks. Her father and brother died in the hand of assassins. How pitiful of her brother, to die without his head intact? How pitiful of her father to die watching his son’s headless body?

Xiao Xi died of poisoning. She did drink it herself but it was not her fault. “I’m sorry. It was my fault”, said Li Xi Rui. Xiao Xi who she thought as her own sister. Xiao Xi who died because of what she told her to do. Yes, it was not Long Jie’s fault. Xiao Xi almost harm Mu Jiu Jiu. It was because of that. “It was because of me”, said Li Xi Rui.

The second chance of life? Is it truly a blessing? Or another way for her to experience pain of losing her most loved ones? “I’m sorry. I’m too powerless. I’m too weak”, Li Xi Rui wept. She cried. It is still not over. Why couldn’t it be over?! How could she cope with this again? She’s too weak.

So, she stabbed herself again. It is too painful. Her heart is in pain. She didn’t want this. She hates this feeling. The feeling of helplessness. She stabs herself again. With the pain on her thigh, the pain in her heart is still present. It becomes suffocating. Sobbing, she said, “Stop. Stop now. Why couldn’t you stop?”. Why wouldn’t destiny stops? Why couldn’t everything stop? If she is in a dream, she wished it to stop. STOP! Stop everything! Stop harming her! Stop harming her family!

Crying, sobbing and sniffling, she wept. She couldn’t help but wept loudly. As loud as the pain in her heart.

“Miss? Are you okay?”, from outside the door, Xiao Xi asked.

“Miss?”, now, it is QiQi’s voice.

But Li Xi Rui kept on weeping. No longer caring about anything. She didn’t know why. This feeling of helplessness came like a storm. It swept away everything. Her rationality, her ability to think clearly and her ability to control herself. Her body is no longer in her control. She is lost. Lost in her sadness.

Hearing the shout in the miss’s room, Xiao Xi and QiQi panicked.  Xiao Xi run to find Li Lang. “Miss! Please Miss, open the door!”, QiQi knocked relentlessly.

Suddenly the noise inside stops. It makes QiQi more anxious. A pregnant lady is in the most delicate period. They might become excited. They might become stressed and overwhelmed.

“Li Lang, faster. Go take down the door!!!”, Xiao Xi ordered. While not knowing anything,anything, Li Lang complied. Xiao Xi look too distress in his eyes, that he just followed her orders.  Trying to knock down a door is not an easy thing. Moreover, the door to Li Xi Rui’s room is not a typical thin door. After several attempt, Li Lang had failed.

But what they didn’t expect is for the second prince to come suddenly and knocked down the large door easily. When the door open, what they saw is more than what they had expected. “Xi Rui!!!!”, Long Jie shouted.

Xiao Xi was too shock to move. Her miss had fainted on the bed. Her hair messy, her clothes rumpled, and her skirt is stained with blood. Fainting, Li Lang catch Xiao Xi’s body. With Xiao Xi in his arm, Li Lang could only stay in that place to watch over Xiao Xi while QiQi ran to the miss’s side.

QiQi checked Li Xi Rui’s pulse and asked the second prince to leave the room for her to check on the miss’s lower body. But the second prince refuse to leave her. How could he leave when his Xi Rui is hurt like this? Giving up, QiQi close the door and check Li Xi Rui’s thigh while the second prince stood anxiously behind the close curtained bed.

Finished bandaging her wound, QiQi open the curtain. “Sect Master, Miss Li will be alright. It is some broken skin on her thigh. Fortunately, it was not too deep”, QiQi reported.

“How. Did. It. Happened?”, Long Jie asked with a strained voice. He had just left the Li residence not too long ago, but suddenly Jie Er reported that Li Xi Rui has locked herself in her room and there was sound of her weeping. His heart stopped beating at that time.  So, he flew there using his ability. He risked himself to be discovered.

“Answering sect master, Miss Li had harmed herself. This lowly one found this in the miss's hand”, QiQi showed a black hairpin. The hairpin he had given her. The hairpin that was supposed to identify her as the new sect madam.

Taking the hairpin, her gripped it so hard that the hairpin bend. But it is still impossible for him to break it. That hairpin is made out of a Qilin’s beard. A legendary beast. “Then, go out. Keep this matter from her family. She wouldn’t want her family to be worry”, Long Jie ordered QiQi. Understanding on how much her family means to her, Long Jie gave order on behalf of Li Xi Rui.

“Yes Master”, QiQi go out to check on Xiao Xi and also informing them. This matter must be kept secret. The miss wouldn’t want her family to be worry on her behalf. They already have too much on their plates.

‘Xi Rui, please wake up’, Long Jie take her hand in his. He kisses that smooth white hand. Why would Xi Rui harm herself that way? Is it something that he didn’t know? Something she didn’t mention? His heart hurt. Hurt for her. “I love you”, Long Jie said to the unconscious Li Xi Rui. “I love you, so wake up. Xi Rui, I couldn’t watch you like this. Please tell me what’s wrong. So I can correct it. Wake up so you could tell me you didn’t love me back”, Long Jie is lost in confusion. If something happens to her, he knew he would not survive. She is his weakness. She is his heart. How could he survive without his heart?

Closing his eyes, he tells her again, “I love you”. He kissed the tender hand.

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