129. Verbal Sparring

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"Master, are we not going in?", asked Jie Er in agitation. It has been a while since he left the sect madam with that snake.

Long Jie raises his hand indicating them to stop from advancing. Right now, Long Jie, Jie Er and Jie Yi stood above the roof on the nearby building. Not far from them, Li Xi Rui and Mu Jiu Jiu is arguing.

Long Jie watched the argument without an expression. No one knows what is he thinking about.

"... Li Xi Rui, have you forgotten on how you were treated before? Did you think by being Long Jie's consort your life would be different? Well, keep on dreaming!", Mu Jiu Jiu lost her composure. Remembering her past, Mu Jiu Jiu blurted, "Relying on men like this would only take you so far before it all crumble to the ground. Back in my world, women and men are treated the same. Women in my time could even rule a country. But here, a woman is always oppressed. They could never be given the same chance as men are! Trying hard to masters the ridiculous four arts, the women here are truly a disappointment!".

"Finally, you admitted. A woman of unknown origin. Why did you think that you could look down on us?", Li Xi Rui spoke with a stern face. It has been a while since she being this arrogant. "Sure, we might not stand at the same level as men, but how dare you to ridicule Miss Murong An and the Empress?", said Li Xi Rui.

"When did I ridicule the Empress? Li Xi Rui, don't slander me!", replied Mu Jiu Jiu. Since when a talk about equality of women and men turns into her ridiculing her mother in law?

"Well, since you didn't mention Miss Murong, let this princess freshen up your mind, least it becomes muddle. Miss Murong is the only female general in this country. She faught her way up from the bottom to finally becoming the only woman general today. So with what right did you have to belittling her with your so called righteousness? As for the Empress, did you forgot that one day she will become an Empress dowager? And if that day come, even the emperor have to listen to her. As you see, us ancient women are not as useless as you think", Li Xi Rui wouldn't want Mu Jiu Jiu to win her in verbal sparring.

"No, of course I didn't forget... I am only talking about how women in this time should think about themselves", said Mu Jiu Jiu. Deep in her heart, she scolded Li Xi Rui for trying to outwit her.

"Mu Jiu Jiu, why are you trying to impose your view on me? Just because I see something from a different point of view, it doesn't mean that your opinion is worth more than mine. Maybe we ancient woman is not as knowledgeable as you. Maybe we are not as lucky as you. But you shouldn't be belittling the women who strive for the same thing you believed in. The empress who rules the back palace, the female general who defended our kingdom, Qiqi who is the first female doctor! All of them shares your view. But just because they are born in this era where mens rules, you are ridiculing their efforts! How hypocrite of you! Do you even believe in your own view? Or was it just forced upon you from your era?", Li Xi Rui has always wondered what makes Mu Jiu Jiu different. After sharing some words, Mu Jiu Jiu is a disappointment. How could she let this kind of woman steps all over her in the first life?

"Stop! For your information, I didn't ridicule them! Don't twist my words around!", Mu Jiu Jiu couldn't believe that she couldn't refute Li Xi Rui's argument.

"Alas, I'm relieved that someday, something will change and I have to thank you for informing me", said Li Xi Rui with a smile.

Mu Jiu Jiu is enraged. Who is this ancient woman think she is? She is just a prince's consort. Mu jiu jiu status is still far above her! "Li Xi Rui, don't think that you are pregnant with Long Jie's baby, that you could receive his affection. Everyone knows that he has long fancy me! If not because I already gave Long Qing my heart, he would not entangle himself with you! Remember, I could take him whenever I want! You are nothing but a spare part!", warned Mu Jiu Jiu before she left Li Xi Rui.

Snickering, Li Xi Rui look at Mu Jiu Jiu's retreating back, "Is that why? You've said, you gave the crown prince your heart, then why did you do it? Why did you abort your child? Was it because it was not Long Qing's?".

Stopping in her track, Mu Jiu Jiu ran to Li Xi Rui's side and hastily grabs her hands, "How did you know?! Li Xi Rui, I warned you, if you tell anyone, I swear I will do every mean necessary to kill your child! I will take Long Jie back and make him hate you!". 'Shit! How did this wench know about that matter?!', thought Mu Jiu Jiu. She must not let Li Xi Rui spill the bean. "Tell me! Tell me what do you want?! I will give you anything!", Mu Jiu Jiu is scared. No, she is destined for greatness, this one stumbling block would never hindered her.

"Mu Jiu Jiu, if I say that I want what was rightfully mine? Would you give it back? All of it...", Li Xi Rui asked Mu Jiu Jiu. This is a first for her. The first time she saw Mu Jiu Jiu panic stricken look.

"This... Anything but that. I already married to Long Qing!", it was Mu Jiu Jiu's turn to be distressed. How could she be the one above others but one if she failed to be an empress? She couldn't let Long Qing go to this woman!

'When did I say I want that bastard back?', thought Li Xi Rui. She already get everything that she wished for. "Hahaha! Sister Mu Jiu Jiu is so scared because I might want the crown prince back? You must love him so much! Don't worry, as long as you don't try to hurt me or my family, I will keep this a secret. Oh, and if I suddenly die, your secret would not be safe either. So, let's do our best to not annoy each other too much!", Said Li Xi Rui cheerfully.

From the tail of her eyes, she peek on the rooftop ot the nearby building, 'Jie, did you hear that? It's best if you stop entangling yourself with this white lotus! She loves your brother too much, so its better if you keep your distance'. It seems like Li Xi Rui has a wrong idea. Since Long Jie being so particularly accommodating to Mu Jiu Jiu, Li Xi Rui thought that Long Jie might have a crush on her. So she hopes that Long Jie could see Mu Jiu Jiu for who she truly is.

As for Long Jie, Mu Jiu Jiu's words are still ringing in his head, "I could give anything but Long Qing!". 'Did Xi-er is still in love with brother?', thought Long Jie. Long Qing had already betrayed her, but she still have feelings for Long Qing? He could feel that his heart break slowly. Although he said that as long he could have her, he will be happy; but nothing could mask his heart breaking. Gritting his teeth, he flew away. He needs some time to nurse his broken heart. After all, he couldn't show his weakness to Li Xi Rui.

Little did he know, Li Xi Rui saw him leaving and thus have a misunderstanding. 'Eh, why is he leaving me here with this lost woman? Don't tell me it was because he was heart broken when he heard this woman said she loves that darn crown prince?', Li Xi Rui could only look on hopelessly while enduring the heroine's hurtful grip. When she couldn't take it anymore, she hastily let go and left Mu Jiu Jiu alone. She couldn't care less what happen afterwards to Mu Jiu Jiu. It's not her problem!

P/s: it's a bit hard to write this chapter since I don't want to offend anyone.

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