My Decision

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Guys... I think I should just do this instead...

1. I will just let the remaining chapter ( from 1-89) here in wattpad (since these are the chapters that has been ripped off). I just don't think this is necessary anymore.

2. The newest chapters (from 90 till the end), I'll still update it till it is completed. But in a later date, I will unpublished it. So you all still could follow this book till the end.

3. If you ever find any of my book being reupload in any site beside Dreame and Wattpad, please just report it to me or at the very least comment on the site and credited it to me.

4. This book is free.. Did you know why I didn't want the exclusive contract? It's because I want you to be able to read this book for free till the end. This is my promise to my loyal readers.

5. I'm just a new writer here. I have 2 new books to write in summer vacation. I want everyone to enjoy my new work. So please cooperate with me. And even though you could read this book for free, could anyone support me in Dreame too? Maybe just leave some nice comments... hehe~ *shameless face*

But there is one thing that is kinda funny to me. When they put in the description as if this book is originally in chinese language. They even say half of this book is original work and half is translated. Where did they find the raw? Can I take this as a compliment instead? Is this book even at the level to be reupload? I'm not so sure.

Sincerely, HelloSugarSugar (previously SotongKurita)

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