Chapter 1

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"You...lied to me!" The girl yelled at Taehyung who was sat across from her, suddenly finding his shoes extremely interesting. The poor girl could feel her heart split in two as he looked uninterested, not even caring about how much he had hurt her.

He had been dating the girl for a month but it had come to an abrupt end when she found out that Taehyung had been cheating on her, lying about his feelings towards her. The rumours about him being heartless were there for a reason and she knew that now.

Now, Taehyung wasn't completely heartless and did feel bad for the poor girl. She hadn't done anything wrong to him but he had gotten bored and simply didn't want to carry on with the relationship. Yes, he didn't end it the right way but he couldn't help himself.

It wasn't an excuse but it was all he had to explain himself to her, though he didn't feel like he needed to.

"I don't know what you want me to say to be honest." Taehyung said emotionlessly, now picking his nails softly with a bored expression.

If he was being honest, Taehyung had around 10 other girls that he would've rather been with in that moment of time but he thought that after this conversation then it would be all over. Oh how wrong he was. Everything was about to change for him and he didn't even know it.

The girl glared at him evilly, her usual bright blue eyes turning a dark black, the colour of charcoal. Taehyung looked at her in alarm as it looked like she was being possessed.

"sin fallax mendacium, mendacium dolosus, aurum et lapis cor faciem, Verum nec amantis ex hoc nunc et usque in aeternum." A language that Taehyung did not understand began to tumble from her pouty lips in slow chants.

The words were whispered quietly but just loud enough for Taehyung to hear. The boy looked around the cafe to see if anyone else could hear it but everyone seemed to have frozen.

The coffee being poured into a cup by the barista was suspended in mid air and a frisbee that had been thrown in the nearby park was stopped in its tracks, hovering over a woman and her baby which was frozen mid-cry.

Suddenly, she snapped out of it and her eyes returned to their normal beautiful colour and the people around them went back to what they had been doing. If it weren't for the feeling of panic rushing through his chest, Taehyung would've thought that he had dreamt it.

She was oh so proud of herself. She was going to get revenge on Kim Taehyung for everything he had done to her.

"What the hell was that?!" He exclaimed, moving out of the booth that they were sat in as fast as he possibly could. He was genuinely scared of her and feared for his life, no longer seeing her as an innocent girl that he could take advantage of.

"You'll find out soon enough, goodbye Kim Taehyung." She said with a smug smile on her face.

The girl stood up and placed some dollar bills on the table before kissing Taehyung's cheek. An evil chuckle escaped her lips as she walked away from him and left the cafe.

Taehyung continued to stand next to the booth, too busy thinking to notice the amount of eyes that were on him. He had been too stunned and shocked to even push her away.

A million thoughts raced through the guys head about what had happened.

What just happened?
What happened to her eyes?
What language was that?
What did she do?

Taehyung sighed heavily and took his coffee to go, hands shaking as he held the coffee cup in his hand. His free hand pushed open the cafe door and he was met with the surprising blast of cold wind whipping his face.

Taehyung shook his head before sipping his coffee and walking down the street, thoughts of the girl still running through his mind

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