Chapter 25

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(A.N ~ This chapter is one of the longest i've ever written, 1,000 words so please enjoy and leave feedback!)

Taehyung just couldn't believe his luck as he stared at Mina, smirking at how badly fate was dealing the poor girl's cards. Not only was she forced to spend time with Taehyung, she also had to be in his company while Yoongi glared at him.

If looks could kill, Taehyung would have been six feet under.

"Hi Taehyung, how do you know Jimin?" Hoseok had said cheerfully while bouncing over to him, shaking his hand eagerly. Everything seemed too staged, as if someone was doing this on purpose to torture Mina.

"Me and Jimin go way back, childhood friends. We recently got back in touch though when I realised that we both took English Literature together. What a small world eh?" Taehyung joked, chuckling when Jimin nudged him with his elbow a little. Nodding, Hoseok brought Taehyung over to the table that was under an umbrella and sat him directly next to Mina.

"Oh great." Mina mumbled under her breath but not as quiet so that Taehyung couldn't hear her, making it obvious that she didn't want him to sit with them. Taehyung couldn't help but pout at this, half hoping that she would have at least smiled or greeted him to be polite.

"The food should be ready in 5 minutes, hope your stomachs are ready for this guys! Kook stop eating those!" Jin yelled from in the kitchen, the sound of a wooden spoon coming into contact with the younger boy's head being able to be heard from in the garden.

Yoongi watched Taehyung carefully as he stole glances at Mina who was laughing at Jungkook who had just emerged from the kitchen, rubbing the part of his head that had been hit with the spoon while pouting like a small child. He didn't know what he had done to deserve the girl he had feelings for's ex to show up when he was going to ask her on a date.

He'd had everything planned out perfectly. Yoongi has bought fireworks that he would set off when it got dark so that he could ask Mina on a date under the lights of the bright fireworks. It was romantic but simple and that was exactly Yoongi's style.

Soon enough, Jin began to dish out bowls and plates that were stacked high with a wide variety of foods and side dishes. The mouth watering smells were floating around the area and everybody in the neighbourhood knew that Kim Seokjin had made dinner.

"Eat up! If anything goes to waste then give it to Kook, he'll surely eat it." Jin hummed happily while taking a seat next to Namjoon, another guy who had came from the upstairs of the house. He was a pleasant man and very intelligent - clumsy too.

In the space of the 2 minutes he had been seated at the table, Namjoon had managed to knock over the condiments, somehow break the umbrella so that it was slightly bent and smash his phone screen.

As everyone stuffed their faces while also remembering to use appropriate table manners, Taehyung just simply chewed on the same mouthful of food for a while, watching Mina out of the corner of his eye. Unfortunately as Yoongi was attempting to kill him with his eyes, Taehyung couldn't make any real moves to talk to her or touch her the way he wanted to.

"So after food, why don't we play some games? Truth or dare, maybe?" Jimin suggested after finishing his food and downing the contents of a water bottle, wiping his mouth with the napkins that Jin had so generously set out for everyone.

Taehyung mentally facepalmed at his friend but hid it well with an excited grin, causing the other guys to also agree. The only time that Mina had ever played truth or dare was when Jennie had dragged her to her first college party.

Let's say that it wasn't the best experience

"That's so childish though Jimin-ah, won't you choose something else for us to do?" Yoongi piped up, not wanting to know what evil tricks that Taehyung would have in store for him and Mina. Knowing Taehyung, he'd probably dare Mina to kiss him and Yoongi didn't think he'd be able to bear it.

"No! Please can we play truth or dare hyungie, please!" Jungkook whined to Jin, tugging on his sleeve in order to gain his attention. Jin smiled at the younger before turning to the rest of the group and gestured for them to go into the living room to begin the game.

Everyone sat in a circle, side by side and shoulder to shoulder. The soft clanging of Jin putting the dishes away could be heard in the background as Mina tried her hardest to concentrate on anything other than Taehyung who was sat directly opposite to her. To even things out, Yoongi had sat next to her while making sure that he was as close as possible to Mina

"Who's going first?" Jungkook asked eagerly while bobbing his head up and down, touching his ears with a large bunny grin. It was shocking how comfortable he had gotten around Mina already, turning from the playboy to the sweet innocent teenager.

This was Taehyung's chance. His one and only shot of making it clear that Mina was his, keeping Yoongi far away from her. There weren't any limits as to how far Taehyung was going to go with this fued between the two of them.

"Mina, I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with me." Taehyung said with a smirk that was directed at Yoongi, watching gleefully as the older's eyes widened and his lips parted slightly. Mina froze, not knowing what to do as she was caught off guard.

Did she go through with the dare and jeopardise the budding closeness with Yoongi? Or refuse and let Taehyung win the games that he was playing.

All Mina knew was that she should have just stayed at home.


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