Chapter 21

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Everything felt as if it were going in slow motion. Mina's mouth opened wide in shock as Yoongi's head was sent flying to the left as Taehyung's large fist was sent straight into his jaw.

"Taehyung, no!" You screamed while rushing forward, pulling him away from Yoongi as he stepped forward to hit him again. The soft fabric of his shirt felt strange in your fingers as you pulled him away, not wanting him to hurt Yoongi anymore than he already had.

"No Mina, he can't go around thinking that he can get mixed in with our business! You are mine and only mine and I refuse to share you with this grandpa!" He yelled at Mina after turning to face her, his heart beating wildly at how close they were. If he moved only a couple centimetres forward, he could've easily kissed Mina.

"I am not yours Taehyung, you told me yourself that you didn't love me. Stop playing with my feelings, i have had enough." Mina cried, tears beginning to build up in her dark brown eyes. It killed Taehyung to see her this way and hurt him even more to know that he was the cause of your tears.

"But I have so much to tell you. We just need to talk and then everything will go back to normal, just trust me!" He begged, holding her hands close to his chest after grabbing them. In all honesty, Taehyung just wanted to touch Mina as he had gone so long without doing so.

Yoongi watched the exchange with a cold glare fixed on Taehyung, wanting to beat the younger until he couldn't move. He couldn't believe that Mina were talking to him and touching him after what he just did, not wanting her anywhere near him.

"Taehyu-" Mina began before she caught sight of Yoongi from behind Taehyung's shoulder, his eyes hurt and angry at the same time. Mina quickly broke away from Taehyung and rushed over to the injured guy, checking his jaw to see the mighty bruise.

"Don't worry Mina, i'm not hurt badly. I've taken harder hits than that from my grandma with her soup spoon." Yoongi joked, very aware of Taehyung who was glaring at him. If looks could kill, the both of them would be on the ground already.

"It's still not right, coffee to make up for it?" The petite girl offered, a soft welcoming smile on her plump lips. Jennie has long since walked away, not wanting to be in the middle of the argument so Mina had no one to talk to.

"I'd love that jagiya, let's go." Yoongi said while intertwining his fingers with Mina's, smirking at Taehyung who's jaw was literally on the floor in disbelief. He hadn't thought that you would choose Yoongi over him and this just made the ordeal even more complicated.

"You can run from me now Mina but I will have my chance to explain myself. You still love me, don't run from it!" Taehyung yelled after the two of them, his fists clenched in anger as Yoongi turned back and winked at Taehyung while pulling Mina closer to him.

The adrenaline from the fight was still running through Taehyung's veins, causing him to laugh shakily and look up at the sky. The clouds had rolled in over his head and cast a gloomy protection around the sun, blocking it from letting any warmth into the once sunny campus.

"It is on Min Yoongi, elder or not I'll take you down." Taehyung mumbled to himself as he pulled his jacket closer to his toned chest, sneering at the multiple stares that were still following him around.

"I'll give you all something to look at if you really want to stare, look away." Taehyung exclaimed loudly and snickered when girls blushed and guys glared harder than they already had been.

With a cocky smirk and a chip on his shoulder, Taehyung began to walk back to his dorm so he could brainstorm ideas to ruin Yoongi's life while also winning Mina back at the same time.

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