Chapter 11

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With her face set in a stony glare and hands clenched in to tight fists, Mina stalked up the path and into the frat house. The music gave her anxiety but she was too mad to notice her shaking hands and increased breathing rate.

She was basically foaming at the mouth, looking like an angry dog that you would see in an alley tied up to scare people away. People were actually intimidated by her and moved out of her firing range.

The front door was already wide open with people loitering around it and stood outside of it, drinks and cigarettes placed in their hands. Strongly, Mina pushed passed the people and scanned the room, searching for Taehyung with hateful eyes and a harsh frown.

Taehyung was still completely oblivious to the fact that Mina was there and continued to dance with the group of girls, putting his hands on their hips and swaying to the music. Even if Taehyung thought the dancing was completely harmless, it looked anything but to everyone else. It wasn't harmless to the girls that he was dancing with either as they were given the impression that Taehyung was going to take them home with him.

Once Mina's eyes landed on Taehyung and the group of girls, she felt her heart sink the the bottom of her stomach and her heart shatter into pieces. Never before had she witnessed emotional pain like this and it was a lot to handle for the poor girl since she had never been hurt like that before.

Before she had walked into the room Mina had been so confident and ready to have it out with Taehyung. She wasn't going to let him get away with it like last time and was prepared for a screaming match if she had to. But seeing him confirm every doubt and insecurity she had just stripped her of every ounce of confidence she had and left her broken.

Taehyung then looked up and froze when his eyes landed on the fragile Mina, looking so small and broken stood there. She looked so innocent and pure, not belonging in a place like this.

She kind of reminded him of a beautiful and expensive porcelain doll.

Mina shook her head with a bitter smile on her face before turning around and going to walk back through the door she had come through. It had been a mistake to ever look past the rumours and accept his confessions. At that moment in time, she regretted even meeting him

"Mina wait please!" Taehyung begged as he ran after her, not ready to let her go yet and maybe not ever. He was oh so stupid

Mina ignored him and walked faster, not running because that would look stupid and she didn't want people to look at her even more than they already were. She just wanted to go home and cry.

Maybe even back home to Daegu where her family was

"Please Mina i'm sorry! Wait!" He yelled louder as he attempted to rush past the people that were blocking his path from getting to you.

The more he pushed and shoved, the tighter and tighter the people seemed to squash together. Taehyung felt like he was playing a game of tetris and it wasn't very fun. He needed to get to you and explain to you

but what could he say?

'Oh yes Mina i'm sorry for lying to you again and breaking your heart. I didn't mean to dance with those girls and give them false hope when I should have been at home with you watching some drama or something. I don't know how it happened'

Taehyung almost snorted at how pathetic that explanation sounded in his head. He had royally screwed up and he knew it. Mina might never forgive him and that was what he feared the most

Finally, Taehyung managed to break through the crowd and looked around to see which direction she had gone in. But as always, Mina had managed to blend in with the shadows and completely disappear from Taehyung.

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