Huge jump

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School is over now Sirius's parents both died and Regulas became a death eater but then he kinda swiched sides but then died destroying something of Voldemort's me and Sirius are married and living together now we are living in my house the one my parents left me. We took over my parents room because its bigger than mine and the closet is bigger so there is room for both my clothes and Sirius's. But we also own Sirius's family's house he is letting the Order use it as a meeting place. It's very unpleasant there because of Kreature their house elf. James and Lily are now married they've been married for one year so they are doing pretty good. They have a son Harry. Mine and sirius's godson they live in a house in Godricks Hollow not far from my house. Me and Sirius have been married for two years. we got married when we were 18 james and Lily were 19 when they got married. Remus comes around often. It's hard for him to find a job because of his furry little problem.

"Harry come here" I called the young boy crawled into the room brown hair just like James Green eyes just like Lily. He came into my arms and Sirius sitting just next to me pulled out the present we bought him. He handed it to Harry. It was a small broomstick Sirius wants him to follow in James and his footsteps. Harry smiled really big and started flying around the room.

"He's just like James" I said Sirius smiled and nodded James and Lily walked in the room hand in hand smiling at their Little boy. But I feel that the happiness will be short lived as if Danger is soon to come. I kept my thoughts to my self. Memories of the dream I had last night raced to my mind.

Severous Snape and Professor Albus Dumbledore in Dumbledores office "sir please you have to do something. She can't die. Please sir. Protect her" Severous said

I flashed back to reality I turned to Sirius worried look in my eyes "we should go" I said he looked at me very concerned and nodded I hugged James and Lily goodbye and said goodbye to Harry Sirius did the same then we apperated back to our house I went up to my bedroom and started searching for my journal That I keep my dreams in Sirius chased after me "babe! What's wrong? What's going on?" He asked me with a worried look on his face and his voice shakey "it's Snape he knows something" I found my journal and flipped open

**I looked around and saw and older looking James he looked about 21 or 22 i also saw and a man with a black cloak on the man with the cloak had his wand pointing at the older James "Avada Kedavera" the man in the cloak yelled the older version of James was dead**

** I looked around I'm standing in a bedroom a shirtless Sirius standing across from me anger and sadness in his eyes "I have to go I have to make sure they are okay I have to get Harry" Sirius said I hugged him "Sirius please don't go Harry will be okay I will send Snape over there or Dumbledore Please Sirius don't go!" Sirius kissed my forehead "please I need you please he's my brother I might have lost my brother and my best friend I can't risk losing you too I promise Harry will be okay please I need you please don't go" I pulled away and looked into Sirius eyes tears falling from my own eyes "your his godmother and I'm his godfather he needs us I knew we shouldn't have trusted Peter" Sirius said I nodded "I know he needs us but he can wait I promise Sirius we will find him but for now he will be alright I've seen it please don't go" **

This is it. I went downstairs to the fireplace I threw floo powder in "Snape!" I yelled Snapes face appeared in the fire "Severous keep Harry safe keep them all safe I know you know. you have to keep them safe!" I said tears in my eyes Snapes face dissappeared I turned around and Snape was right behind me "it's happening soon please there is nothing I can do. Please if you love her protect her son" he nodded "I will go talk to Dumbledore" I sighed "thank you" he dissapperated Sirius came down stairs "lets go to bed love maybe sleep will help" he said I knew it wouldn't help I know I won't even be able to sleep but I got up and went with him to the bedroom. I changed into my pajamas and layed down next to a shirtless Sirius and cuddled into his chest with his arm wrapped around me

We sat there for what seemed like hours when finally Sirius got up he went over to the dresser and pulled out a shirt " I got up "where are you going?" anger and sadness in his eyes "I have to go I have to make sure they are okay I have to get Harry" Sirius said I hugged him "Sirius please don't go Harry will be okay I will send Snape over there or Dumbledore Please Sirius don't go!" Sirius kissed my forehead "please I need you please he's my brother I might have lost my brother and my best friend I can't risk losing you too I promise Harry will be okay please I need you please don't go" I pulled away and looked into Sirius eyes tears falling from my own eyes "your his godmother and I'm his godfather he needs us I knew we shouldn't have trusted Peter" Sirius said I nodded "I know he needs us but he can wait I promise Sirius we will find him but for now he will be alright. I've seen it please Sirius I need you" I said "we need you" I added Sirius's mouth dropped and put a confused look on his face "we?" He asked I nodded "Sirius I'm pregnant. I found out a few days ago James was the only person I told" Sirius smiled I jumped up in his arms and he hugged me "I promise Harry will be okay we will find him but for now we both need to stay where we are" Sirius sighed and nodded he put his shirt back in the drawer. I grabbed his hand and took him downstairs to the fireplace and called Snape

"At least make sure Harry is safe" I said Snapes head in the fire nodded and disappeared a tear fell from Sirius's eye I hugged him " I will find patuna Lilys sister I will find her that's where Harry will go but it is not safe for him to be with us right now" I said trying to be strong for Sirius but inside I am falling apart. "We never should have trusted Peter. He's a coward. He should have died. Died rather than betray his friends" Sirius said I hugged him and cried into his chest. "I'll go make some tea" Sirius said he went into the kitchen I just fell on the ground right there next to the fireplace I lay flat on the ground my arms and legs spread out tears falling from my eyes every inch of my body hoping that at least one of them made it and also Harry. Sirius came back with two cups of tea. He sat down next to me on the ground I sat up and he handed me the tea I took a sip "why didn't you tell me you are pregnant?" Sirius asked me I shrugged "I was afraid of what you would say afraid that you wouldn't want a baby" I said Sirius looked at me witch concerned eyes "Kylie I love you with all my heart and now I'm having a child with the love of my life I couldn't be more happy about it" he said I hugged him "how long has it been?" He asked me I shrugged "I'd say about a month or two" he nodded and lifted up my shirt to show my stomach I had a very small baby bump. He put his hand on my stomach, and smiled.

"We should go" I said Sirius looked at me "go where?" He asked "to James and Lilys house" he had concern in his eyes he grabbed my hand "are you sure?" I nodded he apperated we appeared in front of the house we walked inside the entry way was now all burnt I went up stairs to Harry's room Harry was gone and Lily dead body laying on the floor my knees became weak and felt my legs cave in

As I fell to the ground tears pouring down my face Sirius knelt down next to me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest he was crying as well. I don't know where James body is I didn't see it down stairs I assume he's gone though I know they are both in abetter place now. I'm glad I didn't see James. Seeing my twin my best friend my brother lying on the ground would be too much for me to bare Sirius apperated us back home.

"Snape" I called into the fireplace, Snapes face appeared tears still falling from my face. It was odd putting trust I'm someone I've always hated but I feel like I should trust him. "Is Harry safe?" I asked him his face disappeared and he appeared in my home "Harry is safe Hagrid took him, I assume he took Harry to Dumbledore" Snape said I nodded holding back tears "did you see James when you were there?" I asked Snape shook his head no. I hugged Snape "thank you for all that you have done" I said sincerely Snape nodded and then dissapperated. Sirius took my hand and pulled me over to the couch. And sat down I cuddled into his chest and sobbed quietly. "Do you hope our baby is a boy or a girl?" Sirius asked me smiling I knew he was trying to distract me I'm glad he was though I knew he was trying to be strong for me I smiled slightly at the question "boy," I smiled "what do you want it to be?" I added "boy" he smiled and kissed my forehead I giggled slightly "watch it's going to be a girl" I smiled Sirius laughed a little at my comment "she will be beautiful just like her mother"

~hey guys this is the last chapter but I am thinking about making a sequal comment and let me know if I should or not

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