Chapter 5

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No one pov

Esdeath and the others had just seen you kill the ice dragon in under just seconds. At that moment All the villagers ran up to you and started to thank you. Esdeath then walked up to you with a smile on her face and you smiled back with a small blush on your cheeks.

Esdeath: that was truly amazing y/n your really strong.

Y/n: thanks it was...

Before you could finish your sentence you fell forward and Esdeath caught you. She noticed you had passed out.

Seryu: is he okay general.

Esdeath: yes he just worn himself out from taking out the ice dragon.

Stylish: General would you mind if....

Esdeath: go take your sample we will leave as soon as you are done.

Stylish:thank you ma'am.

Stylish ran over to the sliced up ice dragon and took out a syringe and filled it with the dragons blood.

Regai: is that young man alright general.

Esdeath: yes his fine elder he just tired him self out from taking out that danger beast.

Regai: ahh...well did you find anything useful in that castle.

Esdeath: well nothing as of now but. Tell your villagers that no one is to enter it under any circumstances understood.

Regai: One thing what is that?

Elder Regai pointed at tempest which many villagers with swords drawn surrounded tempest ready to kill him.

Esdeath: that is tempest this young mans companion.

Regai: oh stand down everyone the wolf is on there side.

Villagers: yes elder.

Esdeath: thank you all we shall be leaving now.

Esdeath put you over her shoulder and started to walk over to her wagon.

Time skip with chibi stylish taking notes and samples of the ice dragon.

Your pov

I started to open my eyes and I Groaned.

Esdeath:ahhh....y/n your awake am so glad.

I looked up and saw Esdeath smiling at me and I noticed I had my head on her lap.

Y/n: I...i...i...

I was a stuttering mess as I looked at her staring down at me.

Esdeath: what's wrong.

Y/n: nothing.

I sat up and looked away trying to make sure Esdeath did'nt see me a blushing mess.

Y/n: so where are we.

Esdeath: we are inside my personal wagon heading to the capital.

Y/n: oh where's tempest?

Esdeath: he's right here

Esdeath pointed next to her and I saw tempest had made himself smaller and he was sleeping.

Esdeath: he's very interesting a danger beast able to change its size.

Y/n: well he's been with me ever since I young. He was a gift from mother.

Esdeath: you miss your parents don't you.

Y/n: yeah sometimes but they always told me never to dwell in the past.

Esdeath: they sound like they have been in many battles. I did not know my mother. She died soon after I was born.

Y/n: I am sorry. What about your father?

Esdeath: he was kind and strong and he was the chief of the village. He taught me the strong live and the weak die.

Y/n: sounds like what my parents use to tell me. The strong will live while the weak must must get stronger.

Esdeath took a quick glance at you from the corner of her eye and saw you had closed your eyes an she blushed lightly.

Esdeath pov

Esdeath:"how is it possible for him to be so Calm after what's happened to him".

Just then there was a knock on the door that pulled me from my thoughts. I opened it and saw wave riding on the horse he borrowed from the village to keep up with my carriage.

Esdeath: what do you need wave?

Wave:nothing General just informing you that we are about to arrive in the capital soon.

Esdeath: thank you wave.

I closed the door and I turned to y/n and saw he had falling a sleep again.

Esdeath:" he's so cute when he's sleeping".

I didn't want to but I gently shook him awake. he opened his e/c eyes and let out a small yawn. He rubbed his eyes getting the sleep out of them.

Y/n: what's wrong Esdeath.

Esdeath: it's nothing I just wanted to let you know we will be arriving to the capital soon.

Y/n: thanks for telling me.

Esdeath: also when we arrive I want you to meet the emperor for the report.

Y/n: ok but what's the emperor like?

Esdeath: I'll just say he is a child.

Y/n: a child!!! Is that really a good idea to have a child as a Ruler?

Esdeath: I cannot say I just follow orders.

Y/n:" she is the same as me we follow orders to the letter".

Your pov

We arrived at the capital and as I looked out the window I saw shops and people so full of life.

Y/n:" so this is where I'll be living now I hope I can be happy here."

Esdeath x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now