Chapter 6

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Your pov

I got out of the carriage with Esdeath once we entered the palaces grounds.tempest was next to me and some garuds hands inched to the swords. But with a simple wave from Esdeath they relaxed.

Y/n: this place is gigantic.

Esdeath: so y/n what do you think of your new home.

Y/n: I love it. So where will I be staying.

A smile appeared on Esdeath's

Face one that seemed to be kind yet a little scary at the same time.

Esdeath: you will be staying in my room with me.

Y/n: okay..........wait WHAT!!!!

Tempest: I saw that coming.

Y/n: you be quiet you can't talk right now remember. Your supposed to growl or bark.

Tempest: bark bark.

Esdeath lead us to a big door then knocked five times and waited for a reply.

???: you may enter.

Esdeath opened the door and I followed her in with tempest behind me. When we were in front of the throne she got one her knees and I followed her example.

????: general Esdeath welcome back.

Esdeath: thank you emperor. I have come to report.

Emperor: yes but before that who is the young man behind you and why is The a danger beast next to him?

Esdeath: this is y/n and the danger beast is he tamed it at a young age. So it is under control.

Emperor: I see but can we trust him?

Esdeath: yes sir.

Emperor: very well report

20 minute Time skip......

Emperor: I see so the report of the castle sunddenly appearing was false. It was always there just buried under snow and ice. So when you entered you found young y/n the prince of that castle. trapped in ice along with his pet and freed them.

Esdeath: yes sir.

Emperor: how did it happen?

Esdeath: a dragon type danger beast that could control ice did it.

Emperor: ahhh so you brought him here.

Esdeath: yes sir when we exited the castle this ice dragon appeared and was attacking the village. When y/n saw it he became furious and ran toward it. Despite being trapped in the ice he took it out in seconds.

Emperor: amazing is there anything else I should know.

Esdeath: yes you can cancel the search. I have found the person I need and it's y/n sir.

Emperor: that is good you are free to go.

Esdeath and I both got up and bowed then left the throne room.

Y/n: so what do we do now?

Esdeath: we will go meet the others have dinner and then off to bed. Also we be sleeping together.

My face was dark red with a blush.

Y/n: o...o..okay.

Time skip with chibi y/n sitting on Esdeath's bed sweating bullets.

Esdeath x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now