Chapter 15

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Next day

Your pov

I was walking to the front of the palace entrance with tempest hiding in my shadow.

Y/n: so tempest what do you think they will be like.

Tempest: I do not know Master. I just hope they can proof they can be soldiers.

I walked until I came to the entrance of the palace I saw about fifty soldiers one stood outside of the group. He had two long swords strapped to his back.

 He had two long swords strapped to his back

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(They look like this)

When he saw me coming he ran up to me.

His hair was black on the left side of his head and white on the right side was . His eyes were two different colors as well. the left eye was red and the right eye was a gold color.

????: are you commander y/n?

Y/n: yes that me who are you?

Calin: my name is Calin blade I am to be your right hand.

( big shout out to CalinBlade  for letting me us his oc check him out if u want )

Y/n: it is nice to meet you.

Calin: ( hey I heard you have a tamed danger beast is it true )?

Y/n: He is not a danger beast he is dire wolf a storm dire wolf to be exact.

Calin: huh???

Y/n: it means he controls the wind, thunder an lighting.

Calin: oh.

Y/n: so let go. I would like to meet the rest of them.

Calin: ok

No one pov

Both y/n and Calin went up to the group of soilders. As they group saw the two approaching they saluted.

Y/n: hello every one my name is y/n el Dragonwood l/n

( el dragonwood was your father name and the l/n belonged to your mother.)

Y/n: so today I will train everyone one of you to be able use a sword as well as hand to hand combat.

Solider1: who will you do that sir.

Y/n: so glad you asked come up. So draw your sword and come at me.

Soldier1: are you sure sir.

Y/n: yes come up.

The soldier stepped up and drew his sword and got into a stance and charged me. I dodged to the left and jabbed him in the side of his gut. He dropped his sword. I kicked it away from him.

Y/n: so can anyone tell me what he did wrong.

Calin: he did a reckless charge and did not think of a way to defend himself as he struck.

Y/n: very good Calin. So now that is out of the way let the training begin. Are you all ready

Soliders: YES SIR!!!!!

A/n and that is done sorry it took so long. I hope you all enjoyed it. I need another oc. But first what side do any you u want plz leave.

your oc name,gender,age,hair color,eye color and what weapon they use. So your team or night raid those are the choices. See you all in chapter 16 bye

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