New Wattpad Layout

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Note: I know that it says "It's still in development, so things are going to change", but I doubt that what they said is true. 

This just needed a chapter all to itself. 

        So if you all haven't seen the not-so-marvelous layout Wattpad has made then I'm guessing you're either not paying attention to their updates in their book or you're pretty new to Wattpad. Anyways, let's get back to the topic: the layout. Now everyone's entitled to their opinions, but this layout is HORRIBLE. I feel just all....djfhadshfkjd cause there's no words to describe it. Next up is the reasons I absolutely hate this new layout!!! Yay! More rants! 

        REASON NUMBER ONE: I WON'T BE ABLE FUCKING SEE THE FUCKING READS TO THE REST MY FUCKING STORIES! The struggle will be real once it hits. Not being able to see the reads, votes or comments is really going to be a bother. I mean, who checks their e-mail for Wattpad notifications? I highly doubt all of you go through your stories just to fish for comments ( I have the kind of problem where Wattpad won't update me on the comments). I'll even give an example of  the big catastrophe we will be soon facing! 

Lorenzoluckycharms one day decides to log into Wattpad since he hadn't been on since yesterday night. Today he had to update "The" which had recently hit 397,056 reads. He wasn't really updated on the new Wattpad layout so he logged on to find a whole new layout. First thing he noticed: all his 500 books that had many views, were compressed into some block. Lorenzoluckycharms could only see the book he updated two days ago. When was the last time he updated "Ha"? When the heck did he even post "Lol"? He remembered about 1 million comments in "Duck" but how many were there now? He began thinking of how simple Wattpad was before; when you had all those things displayed on your profile and you could just see everything. How wonderful.....

AND SCENE! Such creative names, but you see my point right? In the new layout I don't get to just see those vital things right there. Instead I get to click on everyone of my stories and see how many reads it's gotten, or fish for comments! Yay fishing! Imagine how annoying that would be for those really nice authors who respond to every comment on their stories. on the topic of our stories: you can't see the blurb. DO YOU FREAKING KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FUCKING SUMMARIZE THAT STORY WITHOUT TRYING TO SPOIL IT?! PEOPLE HAVE WORKED ON THOSE BLURBS AND HAVE PUT TIME INTO THEIR STORIES, AND WE WON'T BE ABLE TO SEE THE BLURB ON THAT ONE STORY WITH THE INTERESTING COVER! 

        Reason two: it fucking looks like twitter. Now this paragraph is gonna be pretty short, but really? Are you not capable of using your imagination to think of something other than making it look more like the twitter layout and somewhat like the YouTube one? I'm comfortable with the twitter one to tell you the truth and you know why that is? BECAUSE IT'S NOT A FUCKING WRITING SITE! Twitter and YouTube are more of socializing kind of website while Wattpad is for writing. writing. WRITING.  Sure we socialize here and there, but what do you mostly see here? Online stories right? Twitter has that layout due to the constant tweets. The old twitter layout was fine too, but it's social time over there and writing time over here. On that same note, you don't even see the socializing websites where you can communicate with the author outside of Wattpad. It's so much easier when the icons are right there in your bio and look COLORFUL; which brings me to....drum roll please....

        REASON THREE: YOU DON'T SEE THE FUCKING BIO OF THE FUCKING AUTHOR! How the hell am I supposed to know about this person if this thing is on the side, with small print, a plain gray color and just blah!? I know most of us are just gonna ignore the thing and never read it, cause why would you? You know how fun it is to make your bio and tag some people in it?! I'VE PUT MY WHOLE SOUL INTO THAT THING! It's something that defines us even though it's just a bit of information. Everyone gets profile stalked and gets those random messages where they mention similar interests. That's where the current bio comes in handy, because we probably wouldn't have met those fun kind of stalkers. I personally love reading bios, because I'm an awesome stalker like that. 

        Reason four: IT.IS.FUCKING.CRAMPED.           I              need           space          to          breath               guys! I  can't deal with the profile not being organized! I CAN'T DEAL WITH ANYTHING NOT BEING ORGANIZED! Something cramped like this doesn't look inviting to me or to anyone at that matter. If I saw the person's profile for the first time, I would have gotten the fuck outta there. ME AND FUCKING CRAMPED PLACES ARE NOT A HEALTHY THING TO DO, I HAVE FREAKING CLAUSTROPHOBIA AND I RECENTLY JUST FOUND OUT (Yes even online I feel like it and it's really just weird. I feel really dizzy and stuff). This is why I like organization (and open space)! Nothing to worry about! And you know what else is in those spaces? THE FREAKING NEWSBOARD! But guees what, they're not seperate, nope, they're together! WHO THE HELL THOUGHT OF THIS?! EVEN MY LITTLE 10 YEAR OLD SISTER AND HER FRIEND THOUGHT IT LOOKED BAD AND THEY DON'T EVEN USE THESE SITES! I showed them side by side comparisons and guess what they picked, the old layout! They didn't like what the new layout looked like. I even showed them the twitter one and told them to look at how similar they are. If you haven't done that yet, what are you waiting for? 

        You might be wondering to yourself what the flipping donkeys you just read or what the pros to this new layout are; well lets' see, one, two, thr-NONE! NO BENEFIT AT ALL. Only that your stories don't take up tons of space, but I rather have the first option. First off, the old layout is welcoming and you can costumize the background. The new on just has some stupid banner, which really just looks like twitter. You can barely see the freaking icon. You can'r even see the person's reading list and it's just all some big mess that some person though was "amazing". Okay I get it, it's hard to make a layout and to get it to work for everyone, it's hard to program it and all that good stuff, but why do you need to change it that much to just drive users away? It's definitely not gonna wanna make them come again to the shop of wonderful books, they're going end up going to Larry shmoe's ten dollar bargain deals. 

        Thanks for reading my run-on sentences and horrible grammatical errors! XD So what would you rather have: the awesome welcoming layout of our profiles or the cramped hell? LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND OPINIONS DOWN BELOW! I'll proabaly update this in the near future and shtuff. 





Thanks~! ;D 

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