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-Brendon's POV-

I groan I pain as I wake up. My hangover was really bad. I turned to my side unsuccessfully due to the weight on my shoulder. I looked at what it was. I saw a woman. Half of her face was buried on my chest while the other half was covered with her hair.

"Mhmm?" She moaned. As she slowly sits up. I started stretching. "W-wha---"

"Morning? I'm sorry but who are you?" I immediately asked.

"W-why am I naked? What happened?" She grabbed the whole blanket covering our nude body to cover hers. "W-why are you naked?!" She blushed. Immediately throwing blanket to cover me.

"I'm not having a conversation with some naked woman on bed hungry. So how about we dress up and talk somewhere else?" I suggested. Having a very bad headache, I stumbled towards the bathroom.

Coming out fully clothed I saw her waiting outside the room.

"Where are we going?"

Instead of answering I just walked looking for a familiar place. I then saw a restaurant.

"There." I came inside with her behind me. Taking the seat near the door.

"What would you like ma'am, sir?" The waiter approached us.

"I-I am just having the bacon and eggs with (coffee/cocoa)..." She whispered.


"She's having bacon and eggs with (coffee/cocoa). I'm just gonna get whatever you recommend for hangovers." I clarified

As he left I turned to the woman in front of me. Inspecting every inch of her.

"E-excuse me... Who are you...?" She hesitantly asked.

"You don't know me?"

"I'm sorry no..."

"Well I'll tell you afterwards. First let us try and remember what happened last night..."

"I-I remember it..."

"Enlighten me."


As the ear piercing loud music thunder the place. Little did the people know a celebrity entered.

"Give me your strongest drink!!" A man yelled.

The bartender then go to it serving his drink. As the man finished his 30th drink he asks for the whole bottle. Which for some reason the bartender gave.

"Aren't you Brendon Urie?" The bartender asked.

As Brendon chug the bottle he smirked. "In the flesh!"

"Oh I'm a fan! Could I please take a picture with you?"

"Fuck yeah you can!" As soon as the bartender took the photo, Brendon stands up and dances with the crowd.

Hours of dancing later he gets tired and went back to grab more drinks.

"Have a drink..." A woman beside him sang as she pass a vodka to him.

"Sure!" Without hesitation he downed the whole thing and ordered more.

"Brendon Urie right? I'm Taylor." She laughed. "Are you single? I mean it was rumored that you are dating but---"

"I am! Fuck you Sarah Orzechowski! I thought we were friends!!!" He continue to rant, Making the woman beside him annoyed and uncomfortable, as he kept talking about Sarah.

"I agree with you! Mr. Whoever the fuck you are!!" Another woman screeched. "Sarah does not deserve you! You deserve better! Just like I! Fuck you Charlie!!"

"Woah, what do you mean 'Mr. Whoever the fuck you are'?" Brendon scoffs.

"I don't know you at all. Never met you, heard about you, nor fucking cared. Until now!!"

"I'm Brendon Boyd Fucking Urie!!"

"Well I'm Y/N L/N !!!! I don't know that name!"

From anger Brendon smirks. "I'll make you scream it so you won't forget it..." He purrs.

"I just met you, but I'm fucking drunk and you're fucking hot... so fucking YOLO." She then jumps on him and then proceeds on making out. About to take the next level, they left the bar and went to the nearest hotel they found.


"Well... That's..." I felt awkward out of no reason. "Do you... Know me?"

"Nah, don't know you at all." She laughs awkwardly. As she gets her poise back. "And I don't want to."

"I have a reputation to keep... We need an agreement."

"Look, I don't fucking care you are. But, sure let's make a deal. Nothing happened."

"I agree to that. Let's never mention of this again."

"A deal is a deal. Nothing happened."

"Let's keep it that way."

"You don't know me. I don't know you."

We just finished our meals and then proceeded on our life. Nothing happened... No one found out. No controversy.


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