Chapter 13

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-Brendon's POV-

He once again dragged us to the line of bump cars.

"Rock, paper, scissors, who's driving." She grinned. I drew paper and she... Pulled out a key, "Too late I'm driving."

"You don't even use keys here!" I argued.

"Check your pockets then." She giggled and ran to the car. In panic I checked my pockets. She waved my wallet and keys and laughed.

I gasped and sat by her, "Thief."

"I'm just skilled." She winked.


It's finally our last ride, Y/N still trembling from our ride before, rollercoaster, Y/C/N continued to boast how he barely screamed.

When we get in line Y/C/N looked at the line, and smirked.

"Sylvia!" He cheered at a girl.

"Uh...Y/C/N! What are the chances of us meeting in this place? How small the world is, am I right?" She said, sounding obviously scripted. You don't expect a 6 or 7 year old to say that.

"Yeah, it's my birthday! Are you with Auntie and Uncle?"

"Ms. L/N!" Sylvia's mom called. "Haven't seen you in a while. Y/----" She pause mid-sentence when she turned to Brendon."My God, it's Brendon Urie." Her jaw dropped.

I scratched the back of my head confused of what's happening.

Y/N then leaned to me, "Y/C/N's friend. Practically childhood sweethearts or something. Sylvia Snow."

"Mom, can Y/C/N ride with us?" Sylvia grinned.

Her parents were surprised and turned to us, "Uh well, if his mom and... Uhm Mr. Urie is fine with it?"

"Mom, can I pleaseeeeee!"

Y/N sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "It's fine, it's his birthday. He do what he wants." I answered.

He then cheered and gave Sylvia a high-five. Then they ran to ride it.

"Mom, make sure you ride!" He frowned.

When he two of us were left alone, we rode and sat in silence. For a few minutes.

"He's been playing match maker hasn't he." She sighed.

"I mean, it's his first birthday with me. Not to mention I happen to be his Dad. It's pretty much expectable from a kid his age. Not to mention a lot of dramas play on TV." I slouched at the seat.

"Still, this... This is just giving him hope. I mean, there can never be anything between us. I..."

I sat us straight and looked at her, she's trying her best to avoid looking at me. "Why not?"

She froze but slowly lifted her head. "Y-You're kidding right?" Her voice trembling.

"Y/N, what's wrong with giving him hope. He's still young, if we tell him at this age there's no hope then he'll be devastated."

"So what's your plan, keep this until he's sure we're going to be a family and then drop it to him it's never happening? Give him all his hope ad crush it?" She was raising her voice.

"Why..." She was now standing up looking down on me, so I stood up and looked at her in the eyes once again, "Why is this never going to happen?Why can't we at least try... Us. What if it works." I can't stop talking...

"Because, that would mean I'm the one who's going to hope for something hopeless."

"Why would it be hopeless?"

"Brendon Boyd Urie, you're not... I'm... You have Sarah. I met this nice guy. We don't have to be---"

"Stop going on blind dates." I said sternly. "Does Y/C/N knows?" She looked at the ground. "Think of what he'll feel when you introduce him. He wouldn't have done this if he doesn't want us---"

"What, just because we're his parents that I just introduced, I can't be happy with someone else while you can? Brendon you're not being fair."

"Can't you see! I'm trying to be part of the family he's wanted!"

"Why!? Why did you even show up? We were fine, happy."

I don't know why but I felt guilty even when she's at fault.

"He's still happy. Happier than he's ever been his words." I have a small chuckle.

"But that's not fair, what about me? I look up see you being... The father he's always longed for, the father he wanted. Then he turn to me calls me mom. It makes me feel like we're normal family." Her tears were forming. "I also hoped to that you know. Us having picnics in park, playing chase, hide and seek, then later that night we sing him a song and kiss him goodnight... But you're... You. You're Brendon. Too them I'm just a lucky fan who had an awesome son."

"Then fuck them. Don't think of what they think. What if I wanted to do that."

She gave a scared laugh, "Are you fucking stupid. Of course I'm going to think of it! Brendon, you're you. I'm nothing for a hundredth time! I wont wake up and think how much you could do better than me, how you're just stuck to me thanks to our child..."

"Y/N, you're belittling yourself."

"It's true though... I mean you'd probably be engaged with Sarah if we hadn't came in. You'd be happier."

Finally I had enough of it, "What do you know of what makes me happy? So far being with you two are the happiest memory I have. I'm happier with you two. I mean my whole life, my most treasured memory? It's when we were just chilling and watching movies. Of all he things I've done. That one was my favorite."

"That's the worse memory I have."She whisper. I froze, I was taken aback by her. It stings. "I hated how happy he looked at you. How he really enjoys your company. That was the moment I realized... You have to be part of his life... Our life. I hate that moment when you looked at us like you're complete. I hated every minute of it. I hated that you spent time with us earnestly, with your bright smile, soothing laugh... I hated how you made me feel complete." She sobbed. "The only good thing that ever came out from me meeting you was Y/C/N. I wish... I never met you again."

I smiled. I don't know why, but I did. Her hair fell on her face. Her hair wet by her tears, continues sniffling.

"I don't. I loved it. I never regret meeting you again. Because, you opened my eyes to new point of views. Even without Y/C/N, if I get to know you. I'd want that." Once again I wasn't thinking.

I lifted her face, and cleared her face. I smiled, "I hate that smile." She looked away.

I turned her head to face me again, "Like it or not, it's thanks to you. Y/N, how...? How did you make me like you in a short time of period?" Her eyes were glued to mine. I leaned in and kissed her.

This time she didn't push me. In fact, she wrapped her arms around my neck and replied.

I fucked up... This is not good.

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