Chapter 31

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I am uncomfortable writing lemons so I won't make one unless deemed necessary I'm sorry :P

-Brendon's POV-

"I hate you." Y/N glared at me.

"Really now?" I smirked pulling her closer. She whimpered at my sudden action making me laugh.

She woke up at 6 instinctively since she thought she had to prep Y/C/N completely forgetting he was not attending today.

Causing her to frown at the fact she lost precious hours of sleep. Which made her frown as she made breakfast. Y/C/N was still asleep. Which I used to my advantage.

I proposed a hot bath with me which made her more angry. So I dragged her to the bathroom for a cold shower. Which turned into shower sex because... She was soaked, squirming away, and yelling my name while the water hit her.

She wasn't as mad as she woke up but she "hates" me right now. Yeah hates my guts that she's all cuddled up.

"Don't worry the walls are thicker than you think."

"Fuck you."

"We already did."

"I'm done!" She blushed and pushed me away.

"You said you felt sore!" I smirked.

"I really hate you. We finally get together and this is what you do?"

"Your fault. You got me excited last night. Not to mention it's the nostalgia. First time we met we had sex, now first time we get together we have sex. Pretty memorable. Can't wait for engagement and wedding."

She splashed the water at my face. "If Y/C/N is awake when I get out I will beat you."

"I don't really enjoy that but I don't mind you stepping on me." I said covering my body with my arms and stared squirming.

"That's disgusting!" She stood up and left me laughing.

After a few minutes I got out as well and saw her drying her hair.

"After breakfast we have to go to the hospital."

I wore my underwear then pants. "Is breakfast ready?"

"Unfortunately not, thanks to you." She rolled her eyes.

"You haven't even started anything when I took you. You only brought out food from the fridge."

"Yeah, so it's not cooked is it?"

"Let's eat out. There's Wendy's near the hospital."

"We're eating breakfast. Y/C/N is it eating Wendy's for breakfast."

"Go get him I'll get the car." I pecked her cheek and went out.

"Not Wendy's for breakfast!" She yelled after me.

I went to the car and waited for them.

Opening my phone I saw an article tagged to me about me and Y/N.

They continued talking about how Y/N was the reason of my breakup with Sarah. Which technically is but they're being a bitch.

But luckily someone was keen enough to realize.

"Is no one going to point out that they came out of the hospital? The photo seemed to be taken in the middle of the night. Maybe something just happened. Y'all susing too much 😌💅"

Sarah had also posted something regarding about it and saying how the break up was not a bad case and something had just came out that caused our break up.

Which caused comments that speculate Y/C/N being mine.

"Lmao this is Alex Calvert and Misha Collins all over again."

"We're not eating Wendy's for breakfast." Y/N sighed as she got on with an excited Y/C/N at the back.

"What for breakfast then?"


"I don't feel like McDonald's."

"How about just drive and when we see something we buy there." Y/N sighed.

I guess she's anxious to see her family. I stepped on the gas.

"Hey is it okay if I tell people about what happened?"

"Which part?"

"The surgery. People saw us coming out of the hospital."

"I... Don't really care as long as our privacy is in tact." She mumbled.

"Dunkin Donuts!" Y/C/N screamed pointing across the block. "I want to eat breakfast there!"

I looked at Y/N for confirmation. She nodded so I drove us there. Thankfully there's a drive thru so we didn't need to get off and all that.

We each got our orders, and extra (preferred donut).

When we got to the hospital the two ran to the map looking for where the room was.

"B/N!" Y/N cried when she got to the room and threw her breakfast at me to run beside her brother's bed and tackled his side.

"Uncle!!" Y/C/N did the same.

"Y/N, Y/C/N someone's asleep keep it down." I pointed out as I closed the door behind me. "You're okay now?"

"Well, if it isn't Brendon Urie." Her brother smirked. "Been better, I'm glad I'm fine, gladder mom's." He smiled as he pet the kid's head.

"Congratulations on surviving." I smiled and took a seat on the room's couch.

"Yeah well, I was gone for a day give or take. I have no idea how you get in, since Y/N and Y/C/N never mentioned you unless they had to. Something happened while I was gone?" He smirked.

I could practically see the stars on Y/C/N's eyes when he turned to us.

"A-Are we going to be a family?"

Y/N blushed and looked down.

"W-We're not supposed to talk about us! Did the doctor say when mom's about to wake up?"

"Yeah, somewhere in this week."

My phone started ringing. It was the manager (not Zach cause I just found out and he's a fucking bitch I'm making the new manager a girl that you can name)

"Sorry I gotta take this."

I stepped out of the room and picked up.

[Brendon, are you okay? How did you and Sarah break up?]

"Is this a professional call or a friendly check up?" I chuckled. "(Name)?"

[Which one do you need? A friend or a manager?]

I smiled. "I'm great. I'm with Y/N now..."

[Oh... So the theories were right. Guess I owe someone 10 bucks.]

"Yeah, we're at the hospital. Her mom just went into surgery. That's how we got together. I made a dick move, left Sarah mid date because Y/N was crying on the phone."

[I don't know if you're a simp or an asshole. I recommend not to publicize your relationship yet. You just broke up. Clear up the hospital thing. And do tell her mom get well soon for me. There are many who are not happy about this thing going on and I'm on it. Comfort your girl. I'll call soon.]

When she dropped the call I smiled and opened another social media.

"For those photos of me, Y/C/N and Y/N floating around. Know the context before you come around calling her a hoe and bullshit.

Y/C/N's grandmother had to undergo surgery so his mother couldn't take care of him so I took him for the time being. The surgery happened last night hence the photos popping up.

My break up with Sarah is not due to anything toxic and we are still friends. It was a mutual break up and it didn't end bad. Do understand and stop antagonizing people for fuck sake."


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