Chapter 21

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-Brendon's POV-

Patrick's smile faded, "Oh..."

"Don't worry. I won't even try.... anymore... I have Sarah."

"Brendon, I'm sorry."

"It's cool. I just. I hope you treat her right and drop Y/C/N over at my place. She doesn't want me near her place and she doesn't want to go to mine."

"I---- Sure..."


I was going to leave the room when he stopped me.

"What... Do you plan to do?"

"Nothing. I can't control her. She isn't mine. She could do whatever she wants. I'll just be a father." I sighed and left the room.

When I came out I saw Pete looking worried. I gave him a reassuring smile and went to my car.

I drove to Zack's place. My phone started ringing.

[Okay Brendon is something wrong?]

"Sarah, I'm so sorry. I---"

[You practically ignored me when I back home. It seemed to me like you didn't want me there. Then now you left the moment I fell asleep. Brendon, did I do something wrong?]

"No Sarah, I was just taking care of something. Please I'm sorry I left you when you just got back. Y/N needed a ride home so I drove her and then I went to Patrick's."

[Why does it feel like something's wrong.]

"Let me make it up to you. Let's go out for dinner. I'll pick you up. I'm just going to meet Zack for a few minutes. Be there at 7."

[I love you.. ]

I took a deep breath, hesitant whether to say it or not. But I didn't want to break her. Meeting her was the best thing that happened. She's innocent. "Love you too."

I dropped the call.

I felt guilty for doing that. Yes I do love her still. But my feelings for her is all over the place. And I can't help but think... I like Y/N more than I like Sarah.

You idiot. That means you love her.

I jumped off the car after I parked when I got to Zack's.


"Do we have plans or scheduled anything?"

"Not yet. Why? What's up?"

"I have something to do." After hearing that I left leaving him confused.

I called for a reservation at a restaurant. Then went to get something to wear. I got black pants and a turtle neck which I paired with a brown blazer.

I looked at the time, I still had 15 minutes. I tripped tight on the box Y/N had brought out from the compartment.

Fuck it.

I shoved it in my pocket. Taking deep breaths. I drove home.


Sarah wasn't ready when I got home so I had to wait for a few minutes. The ride was silent but when we got to the restaurant...

"So, are you going to explain?" She's mad. I wouldn't blame her.

"Sarah, I'm sorry. You just got home. You've been stressed, me being distant isn't any help."

"Is it because of Y/C/N and Y/N?"

I felt a slight pang on my chest.


"You forgot you told me. You said he's yours. You haven't really explained that."

"Honey and bees?"

"Brendon. Please, at least try."

"Right." I shook my head. Right. "When you dumped me back then. I met Y/N. We were both drunk... Things happened. We had a one night stand."

"Seeing you three in your lives and all... It felt like you guys were a family. Is that why you brought me here?"

"No! Sarah, Y/N and I decided we're only doing this for Y/C/N. Sarah..." I felt my heart clenched. "Sarah I love you. Please don't think otherwise."

She bit her lip, tears were threatening to fall. "Brendon, as much as I love you... I can't take y---"

"You're more family to me than them. Again I'll say it, Sarah I love you. You are the most important person to me. Y/N and Y/C/N is aware of that. You're not taking me away. I was yours in the first place." Her hand wiped a year away from her eyes. "Sarah, will you still accept me? When I'm like this?"

She gave a sad smile and nodded. "I love you Brendon."

I gripped tight at the box in my pocket. I didn't have the strength to do it.

The rest of the night proceeded normally. We'd talk about Y/C/N. She's so excited meeting him. It's actually just adorable.

After dinner we went for a drive.

"Anywhere you wanna go to?"

Her face lit up, "Pull over I'm driving!"

I looked at her quite surprised but I did it anyway. "Try not to crash." She gave me a playful slap which made me chuckle.

I got in the shotgun and she rode the driver's side. While she drove we'd have small talks though I was focused on my phone.

I stared at my wallpaper. It was a photo of the three of us.

Fuck it.

I changed it to the latest photo of me and Sarah.

"Brendon!!" I realize we were already parked. "You OK?"


"So I looked for the nearest one. I found this beauty!"

It was a carnival...

Ahh motherfucker.

"Why a carnival?"

"Well you've been kinda distant to me so I wanted to do something. It reminds me of Pretty Odd era of yours. Would you rather go to Detroit?"

"How does Pretty Odd remind you of carnivals?" I chuckled.

"I also wanted to go to one." 

I shook my head and smiled. I lend out my hand. "Then let's enjoy this." She gave a closed eye smile, then took my hand.

We tried rides; Rollercoaster, caterpillar, and a horror train thingy. We also had snacks and stuff.

Small talk about what had happened with her while she was away, then came the inevitable topic.

"What's your plan with Y/C/N?" She says while resting her chin on the giant panda plushie we'd won.

"Well, nothing much. Just try to be his dad, I guess? Y/N..." I paused, thinking carefully what to say next. "Y/N doesn't really want me around much. The kid's afraid of too much attention."

"From what I've seen I think he's adorable." She giggled.

"He really is. I think it'll be great if you meet him sometime."

"Would Y/N be okay with that?"

"Why wouldn't she? She introduced Patrick... I can introduce you."

"Yeah, I'd like to meet him someday."

"Yeah, you're his stepmom." I laughed, and so did she. "I'm glad you're taking this well."

"I love you Brendon, for all you are. And you so happen to have an illegitimate child. That doesn't mean you're not the man I love."

"Ah damnit."


I got on my knee and pulled out a ring. "Let's get married. I love you. Sarah, will you marry me? And before you ask. Yes I'm sober."


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