Chapter 5

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-Brendon's POV-

"I know Sarah! It's fine I swear. I can manage." I told Sarah for the hundredth time.

"Are you sure? I swear I'll be back in few months or so! It's just my brother and my---"

"I can manage a few months without you. Don't worry, I have Zack." I joked.

"I'll see you as soon as I can." She pecks my cheeks then waved me goodbye.

A lot is happening today... I don't understand anymore. Y/N is dropping Y/C/N an hour later. Just by chance Sarah left because of her brother and her dad. She doesn't want me to go cause the place would get too crowded.

I went back to my room. With an hour to spare, I decided to try writing songs... But nothing comes to my mind. Tired of using my head, I dove back on my bed. And took a nap.


I was awoken by the continues ringing of the doorbell.

"Didn't know she's annoying. Should have called instead." I grunted.

I jumped off bed and plodded my way to the door.

"I told you to call when you arrive." I growled as soon as I opened the door.

"No you didn't. I didn't gave you a chance to talk." I lifted my head only to see Pete, Patrick and Joe.

"Holy shit I forgot about you guys..." I panicked.

"Holy shit to you too." Joe greeted.

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"Don't panic man you're not at a Disco." Pete laughed.

They showed themselves in as I stood in front of the door.

"Hey you Ok?" Patrick squinted his eyes.

"No... Fuck. OK, do me a favor."

"Depends..." Joe smirked.

"Either you get the fuck out of here or you shut the fuck up and don't ever talk about it."

"I'll take my chances." Pete smirked. "Cheating on Sarah?"

"No! Just choose!"

"Fine, we'll shut up." They groaned. As if on cue my phone rang.

[Hey... We're outside. I think...]

"Yeah I'll get you... But I have 3 friends over is that OK?"

[W-what? I thought this was a secret?]

"Yeah... I forgot they were coming. So... I can't kick them out anymore."

"I'll just offended for a sec." Joe glared.

"Shut up."

[I-If it's fine with you I'll just text the reminders. And tell you some here. Just pick him up here please?]

I turned at the three rummaging my fridge.

"Sure... On my way." I dropped the call. "Hey I'm going out. Don't touch my stuff or I'll break your neck. Talking to you Pete." I slammed the door after me and looked for Y/N.

"Brendon!" I heard a faint yell. I turn and saw Y/N waving at me like crazy.

"OK so what do I need to know?" Y/C/N was asleep on shotgun. It was actually pretty adorable.

"OK it's easy. He's a light sleeper. He needs his milk every time before bed. Don't let him drink more than a cup he'll get a tummy ache. If he wakes up from his sleep play him an instrument."

She then handed me a paper with every reminder she told me.

"Don't worry I'll take care of him."

"I'll murder you if something happens to him." She smiled.

"Is that a threat?" I smirked.

"Maybe..." She then looked behind me. "Patrick Stump?"


"I like him more than you." She grinned.

"Too bad I'm the father now." I scoffed. Then made my way to the shotgun.

"Don't wake him up. Pick him up slowly."

"He won't be able to sleep later if he sleeps now."

"He's a kid. That's all he does... Since I never bought him any gadget."


"I have priorities to take care of. Like our daily meals, our bills, I'm not exactly a millionaire like you."

"Right... Though if you don't need help with him don't be shy to ask again. Like how you asked me few hours ago."

"June 27... Is that what you want to be placed at your grave?" She glared.

"Fine! We'll go ahead. I can see the three poking their head out."

"Just wake him up fine."

You slightly tapped his cheek. He groaned and turned the other side.

"Hey Y/C/N..." I whispered.

"You're waking him up why whisper? Just shake him awake." Y/N then grabs Y/C/N by his shoulder and shook him. "WAKE UP!" She screamed at his ears.

"Mom! What was that?! Hi sir---"

"Just call me dad for now OK?" I ruffled his hair.

He gave a smile and nodded. "But make sure no one would notice OK?" His mom interjected

"So what should I call him in public?"

"Brendon." She smiled. "Now go get your stuffs I'm gonna go to work. Have fun!" Y/C/N then pecked his mother's cheeks then took his bag from the backseat.

"Hey is true that your mom prefers Patrick than me?"

"Huh? Patrick Stump? Well yeah... But she loves Gerard Way most. You're her 5th favorite singer." All you could react was an awkward poker face.

"I won't be soon." I kicked the door open. "Hey Patrick go be a dick please!"

"What?" Patrick choked.

"Nevermind." I growled.

"You just missed your chance singing IWSNT..." Joe shook his head in disapproval.

"Shut up."

"Who's the kid?" Pete pointed at Y/C/N hiding behind me.


"Hi..." Y/C/N whispered.

"We know but why is he here?"

"Well you guys remember your promise right?"

"Holy shit Brendon we accept your bisexual but not a pedophile!" Pete gasped.

"No! I am not a fucking pedophile!"

"That's exactly what a pedophile would say..." Patrick said nodding Asif he agrees with Pete.

"I don't swing that way!"

"Sorry Y/C/N, it seems like this pedo picked the wrong kid."

"What's a pedophile?" He asked innocently.

"No one fucking answers. His mom is going to murder me."

Joe knelt down to Y/C/N's level, "When you see your mom promise us you'd tell her... Uncle Brendon was a pedophile..."

"He's my dad."

The all turned to me as if something controversial just came.

"What? First time seeing a father with his son?"

"What the fuck?" The three said in unison.


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