Chapter 6: Phenex

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Ryuga woke up to a very warm feeling. His bed usually wasn't this warm; so he decided to investigate the cause of this occurrence. He threw his sheets off him and looked to his left. He figured out the reason he was so warm.... Tiamat was clutching to the side of him.. stark ass naked. Ryuga hasn't had someone sleep next to him in forever, hell the last person that did was probably his own mother, but seeing a naked, attractive women clinging to him was a little arousing. However, Ryuga wasn't really interested in women; so he did the gentleman's duty and woke her up.

Ryuga: "Tiamat, why're you in my bed?"

Tiamat: *yawns* "Because you're so warm, and the pheromones you're giving off were basically forcing me to get in bed with you."

Ryuga: "pheromones?"

Tiamat: "Yeah, you didn't know you had those?" Ryuga shakes his head. "They're basically chemical substances that everyone gives off, but you're are incredibly strong and attractive~"

Ryuga: *scratches cheek* "Aha, that would explain a few things then."

Tiamat: "Like what?"

Ryuga: "Well for one, why my mother always insisted on sleeping in the same bed and clinging to me much like you're doing now. Even after centuries she still wouldn't let me go." *blush*

Tiamat: "Master, are you blushing?"

Ryuga: "W-Wha of course not."

Tiamat: "HAHA you were blushing at the though of your own mother sleeping next to you. I didn't know my Master was such a closet pervert."

Ryuga: "Oh please, if anyone's a pervert it's you for sleeping next to someone you just met yesterday."

Tiamat: "Yes, but that someone is my Master~"

Ryuga: "Whatever, how are things going with your daycare?"

Tiamat: "I'm almost done with the buildings, after that I'll get the little stuff like the toys and all."

Ryuga: "Sounds like a plan; could you get off? I kind of have to go to school now."

Tiamat: "Oh yeah, didn't you say something big was going to happen today?"

Ryuga: "Not necessarily, I just have a feeling. Anyway, good luck on your construction."

Tiamat: "Thank you Master, I'll be on my way." She heads off to her dimension.

Ryuga: "Mom... I hope you're alive and well." He said to no one in particular, but something "magical" happened.

-Gremory House-

Venelana: "N-No w-way?"

Grayfia: "My lady, is everything all right?"

Venelana: "I-I.."

Grayfia: "Are you okay?"

Venelana looked towards Grayfia with tears of hope in her eyes.

Venelana: "I t-think my baby boy's still alive."

Grayfia: "Excuse me? What do you mean? Sirzechs?"

Venelana: "No! Not that cheating scum of a son!" Grayfia clenched her teeth. "My other son, he's been missing for almost a thousand years."

Grayfia: *gasp* "Lady Venelana, you have another son? Have you told anyone?"

Venelana: "No, he left to go train alone long before I met you all."

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