Twenty Nine

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The clouds turned dark as they covered up the blue sky. It was lightly drizzling and they laughed with each other ignoring the dullness outside. Their hands interlocked giving each other warmth and comfort.

"You look beautiful." He muttered just loud enough for her to hear. She took the straw away from her mouth, the blush evident on her face.

"You've been saying that for the past hour already." A smile made it's way onto her face as she spoke, staring at the man sitting in front of her.

"And I'll say it over and over again even if it kills me." He spoke with sincerity which she appreciated. They stared loving into each others eyes before the sound of the ringing phone interrupted them.

"How long has it been since you asked me to marry you?" She placed a hand on her chin pretending to think but she obviously knew. She would always count the days every single time she woke up.

"One and a half months already."

"And one and half months since you told me that you couldn't accept my proposal." She sighed before clasping onto his hands lifting his chin up to meet his gaze.

"I can't accept it because I'm afraid of what the kids might say. I mean you just got divorced a few years ago..what if they don't accept me as their new mother. " She looked down as she spoke, tears welling up in her eyes before finally trickling down her face. He brought up his hands and gently wiped off the tears with the tip of his thumb.

"Listen to me okay. I will always love you no matter what, even if they don't accept me. I'm also quite sure that your daughter will feel different about me. But my kids adore you just like i adore you so don't worry about anything, all right?" Their eyes locked as they both let out a smile which warmed them up immediately. He squeezed her hand once more before leaning against the table and connecting his lips to hers.

The sound of the phone ringing made him pull away from her, sitting back down on his seat. She fished it out of her handbag. Breath hitching as she looked at the caller ID.

"I's Y/N." She whispered, panicking as she held the phone in her hand. The man looked at her and told her that it was going to be just fine. She stood up from the table and headed outside the restaurant under a shade. Her hand slid across the phone screen before bringing her hand up to her ear and stuffing her free hand into her pocket.

"Mom, are you still at work?" Your voice was soft through the phone and it made your mother feel shameful as a mother..but for now she could only do one thing.

"Yes I am. The hospital has me on another night shift again and I'll probably be home late." She lied...and she felt like the worst person in the world. She sniffled lowly before responding.

"Okay then, stay safe." Your voice became sad over the phone. Over the last few months you've both never spent that much time together. I's just been breakfast together at the dining room table..and that was it.

"You too sweetie. Lock all the doors and go to bed early for school tomorrow and I'll see you in the morning, okay?" She said swallowing the hard lump in her throat.

"Yes mom..I love you." Her heard fluttered as she heard your voice had finally become happy once again.

"I love you too." She hung before walking back into the restaurant and continuing the date with the man she loved..loved after a long time, Jeon Jaesun.


You sat on your bed staring at your phone. Your mother hung up a few minutes ago but you still stared at the screen. In-Na whimpered as he snuggled against your leg desperately seeking your attention. You turned to him and his tail wagged left to right.

You smiled as you picked him up and held him in your arms, laughing as he lapped at your cheeks probably wiping the tears.

"You know how to make me feel better, even when you don't even say a word. And that's what I love about you." You snuggled him even more before carrying him in your arms downstairs.

In-na rubbed himself against your leg as you opened up the bag of dog food and spilling it's contents into the bowl before sniffing the food, gorging it. You chuckled before walking over to the fridge and pulled out the unfinished pizza you ordered earlier that day. It was almost 11 pm but you were still awake which gave you plenty of time to think everything through.

Your mother was doing the night shift again which meant that you could only see her during breakfast which wasn't a lot of time. The both of you would spend your nights talking about just about anything that you could think of. You considered her as one of your best friends in fact..

Speaking of best friends, the events of earlier today played out in your mind. Your face became hot as you remembered the kiss that you and Jungkook shared. Slapping yourself mentally you tried thinking of anything else but you struggled at that.

His lips felt so soft and moved smoothly against yours. You trailed your lips with your finger before pulling it away.

'Can't it just leave my head already?' You groaned making In-na turn towards you, tilting his head to the side which was just adorable.

"Sorry. I just have something in my mind that i want to get rid of." You ruffled you hair before placing your forehead onto the table top pouting.

'Wait.' He reached into your bowl and fastened a piece of meat between the two chopsticks and held it out to you.

'Eat.' You hummed in confusion as he moved them even closer to you.

'Just eat it.'

"What is wrong with me?" You straightened up and slapped both of your cheeks. In-na ran over to you and started to bark at you but stopped when you looked at him. He tilted his head before barking once more.

"I know what you're thinking. I'm in love with him.." Your heart quickened it's pace even more as you finally admitted to yourself that what you felt was actually true.

"And you're right. Won't it be awkward for all of us at school tomorrow. I don't know what to do, help me." In-na pranced back to his bowl and continued eating his dog biscuits.

"In-na~That's not playing fair. You leave me only when I ask for help." You groaned but suddenly stopped it was weird talking to a dog as if it was a real life person who could talk back.

You finally stood up from the chair and carried him in your arms as you made your way to bed, tucking him in right beside you.

Let's hope tomorrow is not filled with awkwardness..


Finally updating this book after a lifetime🙌
Did you miss me?😆No😩..okay I'll leave now.


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